Arryn said:
LintMan said:It seems we've usurped magnate's AAR (DAR?) thread... How's it going there, magnate?
This was an 'AAR' thread? Looked more like a "I'm getting my *** kicked, HELP!" thread.
Can't it be both?
It's ... um .... er ... well, it's ok ... just about. Thanks for asking. Ermor seems to have stopped expanding but has developed this habit of sending one commander and 50 undead to attack one of my provinces every turn (the same province, in fact) - they get wiped out by my priest phalanx for no loss, but he's still too strong for me to make any further inroads. So I've got a whole bunch of priests with really useful stats like heroic toughness, heroic strength, etc. etc.
The battle with Tien Chi is really humming. I didn't have the right mage levels for any of the spells you suggested vs the living statues, but as someone else said the giants are pretty strong so I just overwhelmed them with numbers. There's one massive army of about 180 units wandering around - if I can beat that I think I can take him (I've found his capital). My pretender is leading about 40 giants, which is not quite enough to take 180 yet.
I've also found the Caelum capital, which is massively defended (~300 units), but he seems exceptionally unaggressive and I just can't spare the armies to take it yet. Same with Abysia - I've been sitting outside his for years but haven't the resources to take it.
What is it with Pythium?? They still have no provinces, they're still under siege from what I assume must be R'lyeh (process of elimination - I can't actually find their capital), but they're still casting Imprint Souls at MY provinces!! Bastards. The latest one overcame the defences at Pangaea so I've a siege to break there (shouldn't be difficult - Jotun regulars can dice madmen quite easily, it's just a shame my PD are not up to much).
A few things have developed. Last time I tried to take an Ermor province, his commander was casting Disintegrate, which is a bad sign. Means he's only one level from Utterdark. Caelum has cast Dark Skies, but that's not much of a problem 'cos it only works inside his Dominion (right?).
My main problem now is money - upkeep is up over 800, which is way more than this stage in previous games (I now appreciate how cheap Ulm and Pythium infantry units are!) - my income is just under 2k so I have only about 1100 per turn to spend. I've had to pause building temples and cut right back on PD, just to keep the Jotun recruitment up. I do now have several more Bane Lords and a Lamia Queen, but I haven't been able to keep up with outfitting them, so several of them are butt naked.
My current plan is to finish off Vanheim before they call their God back, then take out Abysia and then Caelum, all the while whittling away at Tien Chi. By then I'll have several Lamia Queens with Skull Staffs ready to cast Whither Bones at Ermor, a Couatl or two to cast some astral spells at Last, and who knows, I may even have found Pythium .....
Like I said, thanks for asking.