View Poll Results: George W. Bush
George W. Bush
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August 19th, 2004, 12:21 AM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: 2004 Presidential Election.
Somehow I dont seem to be seeing any of that. The jobs in my household, my taxes, my benefits, my general opinion of the future. Sorry, I wont be voting for Bush to go around again. Nor Arnold (California).
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August 19th, 2004, 01:21 AM
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Re: 2004 Presidential Election.
"trying to use Vietnam and service in order to get himself re-elected. That is not an act of leadership, that is an act of shame and cowardice.” - J F Kerry
(What was once considered as cowardice by Kerry has become his crown jewel for election.)
What we saw around here starting in 96 was a slow down of our economy. My employer at the time was the world’s largest supplier of its product, and the third largest employer in the county.
In 97 we saw the price of our produce drop by 70% worldwide as the Chinese dumped their production onto the market. The following years we saw even greater loss to the point where we had to lay off people. The situation continued to deteriorate until Bush's tax cut went into effect. The tax cut allowed my employer to right off the depreciation of their new equipment and the building they had just built. This saved the company and 600 some odd jobs.
The economy here was the worst hit in the recession, and despite this, sales of homes, cars, goods, and such are all doing well.
I cannot speak for other parts of the nation, but I do know that if Kerry is elected, the situation will go from bad to worse.
Remember we are in the economic quick sand because of Clinton’s economic policies and Kerry going around saying its all Bush's fault is a bold face lie.
Bush had no control over the events of 9-11 that tanked our economy horribly. Kerry on the other hand did have some control and he used it to vote for a funding cut of the FBI, CIA, and NSA. He supported Clinton’s foreign policies, policies that sent the message that we were weak because we cared about not offending the Arab populations of the world. Now look at where those policies have led us. http://www.notokerry.com/military_voting.htm
No president wants to be a war president. Bush is not a warmonger nor is he a stupid man. Bush has delivered on his promises to cut taxes, increase security, and strengthen our economy. Kerry has a very low success rate when it comes to doing as he says he is going to do.
In fact Kerry enjoys saying one thing when he has plans on doing exactly the opposite. It is very aggravating to try and follow Kerry's promises, as there are so many of them.
Our economy is improving, the evidence supports this. It is just taking a very long time to affect us on the lowest rungs of this economic ladder we live upon.
Please consider that Kerry will say and promise anything to get elected. Bush has done what he said he is going to do and if we give him the time to finish the job, another four years, I think we will all be a hell of a lot better off.
And remember, Arnold inherited a bankrupt state. A state put into bankruptcy by Democrats.
Besides, Bush and his party are not interested in banning or controling many of the things that I enjoy owning or doing. Kerry belongs to a party that wants to control or regulate everything with laws including personal freedom of choice.
For me it is a clear choice, if I want to keep what little I have now, I must vote republican acrossed the board. Under Clinton I lost money, rights, control, and freedoms. Under Bush I have lost nothing and have even gained some.
Kerry is a proven liar now. Of this there is no dout in my mind. Kerry will be bad for the US, and bad for all of us.
The fabled and distinguished chief of naval operations (CNO), Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, said -- 30 years ago when he was still CNO -- that during his own command of US naval forces in Vietnam, just prior to his anointment as CNO, young Kerry had created great problems for him and the other top brass, by killing so many non-combatant civilians and going after other non-military targets.
"We had virtually to straight-jacket him to keep him under control," the admiral said. "Bud" Zumwalt got it right when he assessed Kerry as having large ambitions -- but promised that his career in Vietnam would haunt him if he were ever on the national stage.
“John Kerry just bet the farm on a fairy-tale Version of his Vietnam service, figuring, no doubt, that it always worked for him before. What he doesn't realize is that huge numbers of veterans who didn't care if he was a Senator from the People's Republic of Massachusetts will crawl across broken glass to keep him from becoming Commander-in-Chief. That battle is now joined.” – Scott Swett, webmaster of WinterSoldier.com (7/31/04)
In 1992, John Kerry came to the defence of Bill Clinton, whose avoidance of service had become a campaign issue for George H. W. Bush. “I'm here personally to express my anger, as a veteran,” Mr Kerry told National Public Radio, “that a president who would stand before this nation in his inaugural address and promise to put Vietnam behind us is now breaking yet another promise and trying to use Vietnam and service in order to get himself re-elected. That is not an act of leadership, that is an act of shame and cowardice.”
His words. Don't buy into the liberal media's hype. Look deeper and explore the truth. Most of the anti Bush sites are busy making up things and slinging mud without any facts to support them. I should say true facts.
No To Kerry The turth supported by fact.
(BUSH) Bushes site does not target Kerry like Kerry's site does Bush. So again, a nice role reversal courticy of the Democrats.
Links to the Truth About John F Kerry (JFK2)
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August 19th, 2004, 04:18 AM
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Re: 2004 Presidential Election.
I was a Republican way back when until I realized that unless my personal income grew to over $200,000 a year or I was willing to become a born-again christian the Republican party had nothing to offer me.
- I can't afford to send my kids to private school so I'd like to have well funded schools with a small student ratio
- I'd like there to be enough police so that they show up within five minutes if I am in trouble
- I believe in a strong military
- When there's a fire there should be someone to put it out
- I hate potholes in the street so I want there to be money to pay for these
- I'd like my tap water to be drinkable
- All the money I've put into social security and medicare I want paid back with a monthly stipend if I make it to retirement
- The food I and my child eats should be safe to eat
- I want the homeless to have a place to go because most of the homeless aren't mentally compitant to take care of themselves
I rely on the government to provide these and similar sorts of functions.
I am told by the newspaper that I paid about a $1000 less in income tax Last year although looking at my taxes I paid about the same - still the loss of any of the above line items is worth way more to me than that $1000.
With Bush's tax cuts, however, none of these functions will be possible in the near future because the country will be bankrupt.
That's why I am not voting for Bush.
A few other things
- I am still trying to understand why it is that the NRA et.al. think that banning assault rifles is a bad thing.
- It's also hard to figure out why people are against raising the mpg of vehicles when it would lower our dependence on foreign oil and the technology is readily available so that even SUVs could benefit.
- What's wrong with wanting clean air? I grew up in Southern California and no the value of it.
- Why should someone be allowed to throw a stick of gum on the streets would it then be OK to throw a bag of garbage on the street too?
- Why is it that a fetus is only valuable until it is born but then services to help the born child are being cut?
- Isn't the death penalty taking a human life? - If that's the logic behind being against abortion shouldn't you be against the death penalty as well?
- I don't know why someone would want to cut down a 2000 year old tree
- Since most outdoor places will be visited before I visit them I'd like to have an approximation of the experience that the first person had. People who ride ATV ruin that for the rest of us

August 19th, 2004, 05:20 AM
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Re: 2004 Presidential Election.
I can understand your concerns about internal affairs, as we have our own - although on a less smaller scale, we are a smaller country after all - similar problems here in our own country.
What you can't see - or dont care about - is how the USA looks for the rest of the world. Bush may be better in internal affairs, but on the international level, he failed terribly.
Then again, would i be in your place, i would probably choose the one i profit from most. As an outsider i hope the one you choose will not be Bush - after all, i would hate if WW3 would happen in my life. Even the idea, that Bush may be using - no matter how small - nuclear weapons against his enemies makes me think about leaving the planet on the next colony ship.

August 19th, 2004, 11:03 AM
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Re: 2004 Presidential Election.
rextorres said:
- I am still trying to understand why it is that the NRA et.al. think that banning assault rifles is a bad thing.
Keeping in mind that you are talking about orginizations of individuals, and that specific reasons for individuals vary widely, I know of three basic reasons:
For some, it's a matter of caution (some would say paranoia). If assault weapons are Banned, what's to stop them from banning all firearms? If all firearms are successfully eliminated, what's to stop the government from voting themselves into hereditary positions? Respect for the US Constitution? Considering that in banning firearms they are going against the Second Amendment already? Or that in holding suspected terrorists without trial they are going against the Fifth and Sixth Amendments? However, if the general populace has enough in the way of firearms to stage a successful rebellion against an oppressive regime, then there is less likely to be an oppressive regime in the first place.
For others, it is simply the principle of the thing - the US Constitution says that "...the right to bear arms shall not be infringed", and view banning assault weapons as infringement.
Others just think that guns are cool, and would prefer owning them leagally to owning them illeagally.
Personally, I'm planning on breaking pattern and voting Libertarian - Bush was on watch when the Patriot Act (and the later supporting bills) was passed, so I'm not about to vote for him. I saw a commercial for Kerry saying he wanted to strengthen it even more, so I'm not going to vote for him, either.
Of course, by the time I finish this post, it will already be obsolete. C'est la vie.

August 19th, 2004, 12:18 PM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: 2004 Presidential Election.
Atrocities said:
"trying to use Vietnam and service in order to get himself re-elected. That is not an act of leadership, that is an act of shame and cowardice.” - J F Kerry
(What was once considered as cowardice by Kerry has become his crown jewel for election.)
Im not seeing that. Ive only seen Kerry mention his service in response to comments. (btw I am a vietnam vet)
What we saw around here starting in 96 was a slow down of our economy. My employer at the time was the world’s largest supplier of its product, and the third largest employer in the county.
Sorry about that. I can understand your position on that. Its nice to see someone actually speak of personal reasons rather than just repeat the "things are this way" media facts.
What I saw was that when Clinton started running for pres the subjects were all about the embarassing federal deficit and whether Russia would bomb us in our sleep. During Clinton my fears went away.
I know it common to say that everything good was done by my guys and everything bad by the other guy. But Clinton pulled 2 terms so I think he must have had something to do with some of the good changes.
I cannot speak for other parts of the nation, but I do know that if Kerry is elected, the situation will go from bad to worse.
Maybe. But what I see around here is impacts of Bushes actions. Even with a low work force (one of the hardest hit by reserves on duty) we have a low job market. I didnt really want a tax break which I guess is a good thing since I havent seen one either.
Remember we are in the economic quick sand because of Clinton’s economic policies and Kerry going around saying its all Bush's fault is a bold face lie.
Remember? Quicksand? I know the repubs are big on shaking things up so that some go up while others go down, but I would have been happy with things staying as they were.
Bush had no control over the events of 9-11 that tanked our economy horribly.
Do you really feel that the 9-11 incident did major damage to our economy? I thought that after 9-11 we were sending a laughing message because it DIDNT do what the terrorists had hoped. It was only after we started the Iraq police-action that I saw economic impact.
Please consider that Kerry will say and promise anything to get elected. Bush has done what he said he is going to do and if we give him the time to finish the job, another four years, I think we will all be a hell of a lot better off.
Well that says it pretty clear. Kerry can do little in 4 compared to what Bush can accomplish by carrying thru for 8. Im not thrilled with Kerry (Im not a democray or a republican) but I really dont want another 4 with Bush.
And remember, Arnold inherited a bankrupt state. A state put into bankruptcy by Democrats.
A state which went bankrupt while Dems were in office. Not necessairly by Dem policies. Arnold inherited a balance budget then made changes Im not thrilled with.
For me it is a clear choice, if I want to keep what little I have now, I must vote republican acrossed the board. Under Clinton I lost money, rights, control, and freedoms. Under Bush I have lost nothing and have even gained some.
Sounds like you have made rational decisions for rational reasons. And you do seem to have clear ideas about the difference between the two parties. Of course I wouldnt use those words to describe it all but symantics is just a propoganda tool. You logic and reasons seem sounder than most Ive talked to.
Democrats say give us your money and your problems.
Republicans say keep your money and your problems.
-- Its easy to understand.
Under the Democrats we will be the Federation.
Under the Republicans we will be the Ferrengi.
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August 19th, 2004, 05:28 PM
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Re: 2004 Presidential Election.
Rex I am sorry that you are so misinformed. If I had to explain everything to you I would be here all day. Vote for Kerry, it is the tv fed, liberal lie, best way to go for people who refuse to open their eyes. No if you choose to get informed here is a sight that might help you understand the gun grab issues.
If you think Kerry is going to give all those wonderful thing you mentioned in your post, well I am sorry to be the one to tell you that he won't. In the end he will be just another president tha we cannot wait to vote out of office.
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August 19th, 2004, 06:06 PM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: 2004 Presidential Election.
Thank you GP for being so polite.
Im not seeing that. Ive only seen Kerry mention his service in response to comments. (btw I am a vietnam vet)
So is my father, and he is voting for Bush as well. His reason is that he does not trust a man who claims he is a war hero when he is not. My Grandfather, who is a war hero, and he is angerier than hell over Kerry's claim that he is one. Needless to say, he too is voting Republican this year.
Sorry about that. I can understand your position on that. Its nice to see someone actually speak of personal reasons rather than just repeat the "things are this way" media facts.
What I saw was that when Clinton started running for pres the subjects were all about the embarassing federal deficit and whether Russia would bomb us in our sleep. During Clinton my fears went away.
I know it common to say that everything good was done by my guys and everything bad by the other guy. But Clinton pulled 2 terms so I think he must have had something to do with some of the good changes.
Speaking of fears, under Clinton I had many. First his tax increase that took from me a hell of a lot of money that I never got back and could have used. Then his gun grab policies that made running my business very difficult for no reason. Under Clinton I saw our military weakend and our world wide reputation damaged. Under Clinton the office of the President became a joke. Under Clinton, we saw our economies future sold to the Chinese for re-election.
Clinton my have pulled two terms, but that says nothing about him other than he had the money to pull it off. To be honest, he was relected because of his economic teflon shield that he (1) inheretited from Regan / Bush, and (2) didn't fail him until mid 1996 when the economy started to crumble.
Maybe. But what I see around here is impacts of Bushes actions. Even with a low work force (one of the hardest hit by reserves on duty) we have a low job market. I didnt really want a tax break which I guess is a good thing since I havent seen one either.
We all are feeling this GP.  But again other than the reservest being called to active duty, this is not Bushes fault. The economy started to tank in 96, and the events of 9-11 did not help.
Remember? Quicksand? I know the repubs are big on shaking things up so that some go up while others go down, but I would have been happy with things staying as they were.
I think we all would have been happier that way, but they were forced into change by Clintons economic policies and the events of 9-11.
Do you really feel that the 9-11 incident did major damage to our economy? I thought that after 9-11 we were sending a laughing message because it DIDNT do what the terrorists had hoped. It was only after we started the Iraq police-action that I saw economic impact.
The effects of 9-11 on our economy can not be ignored now. It did have a major adverse effect on our economy.
Well that says it pretty clear. Kerry can do little in 4 compared to what Bush can accomplish by carrying thru for 8. Im not thrilled with Kerry (Im not a democray or a republican) but I really dont want another 4 with Bush.
One of the reasons I dislike Kerry is because he has been a senator for how long, and has done little and accomplished nothing other than to vote for budge cuts for the CIA, FBI, NSA, and the military. Now he sits back and lies about it when his voting record clearly shows the truth.
A state which went bankrupt while Dems were in office. Not necessairly by Dem policies. Arnold inherited a balance budget then made changes Im not thrilled with.
Well I cannot speak to this, he is not my Govenor. Good luck.
Sounds like you have made rational decisions for rational reasons. And you do seem to have clear ideas about the difference between the two parties. Of course I wouldnt use those words to describe it all but symantics is just a propoganda tool. You logic and reasons seem sounder than most Ive talked to.
Thank you. I know that no matter what happens, the US will still be here in four years, and we get to do this all over again. Lets just hope that things are better then than they are now.
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August 19th, 2004, 06:12 PM
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Re: 2004 Presidential Election. *DELETED*
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August 19th, 2004, 06:21 PM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: 2004 Presidential Election.
Things are not always what they seem.
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