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Old September 2nd, 2004, 04:32 PM

Raging Deadstar Raging Deadstar is offline
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Default Re: First Conatct????

Katchoo said:
Looks to me like they're denying this awfully hard...


If we did recieve a signal from an Alien Race, do you think they (World Governments, Research Institutes) would gleefully announce that we've found evidence of life beyond Earth? Nope, they'd deny it until the Aliens started competing on American Idol. The ramifications of discovering intelligent life beyond Earth is far more terrifing to some people (especially fanatic religious folk) than a nuclear war.

Then again so would entertaining the possibility it was an alien signal. We're so used to Governments denying this stuff if they didn't wouldn't you think something's off?

As for discovering intelligent life beyond earth i have little hope of that considering Intelligent Life here On Earth!

Anyway we all know Earths Default First Contact Protocal

1. Nuke 'Em
2. If Nukes fail then try and communicate

Shoot First and Ask Questions Later

tesco samoa said:
wouldn't the alien life also be of gods creation ?
Yes they would depending on Opinion, some would say God created the universe, some would say god just created earth...Considering how quick some religions are to brand others as Heretics and Infidels what makes you think Aliens would be any better off
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 04:38 PM
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Default Re: First Conatct????

The proof of alien life would unravel a lot of the stories in the Bible or Koran (or what ever) And I think that scares 'them' (fanatic religious folk) a lot.

But offcourse only my point of view (don't wanna insult any religion at all !!!!!)

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Old September 2nd, 2004, 04:45 PM
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Default Re: First Conatct????

I can't speak for the Koran, but nothing in the Bible says that God didn't create life on other planets.
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: First Conatct????

If you want to go with theories about governments hiding something (or a bit more than that), you could argue that the whole reports of alien life out there are more a smoke screen than anything else. For example, I, the President of Somewhere, could let one of my trusted advisors mention a secret site dedicated to some kind of research. While most of the attention is focused on this secret base, nobody would question my hidden activies at producing unconventional weaponry; in this case, Master of Orion III: Deluxe Edition.

My point is, I would be hiding secrets by letting something much less important "slip". Note, however, that this is not necessarily my opinion in this matter, but merely a random idea (on this particular matter, I would be very surprised if anyone had a good knowledge of alien life, provided there is alien life advanced enough to pop in and say heya).

About religion and aliens: another conception could be that there isn't just a single one deity, but quite a few of them, with each one (or more than one for this matter) at the head of a particular people (and possibly closer to Ancient Greece pantheon). It would be difficult to explain why aliens have never been mentioned in the past however; but similar changes have happened in the past (such as a change of mindset towards the human body, among others).

Deadstar, your First Contact Protocol seems to be lacking an entry: what happens if they nuke us, rather than the other way around? In this case, is the solution 1 applied (Nuke'em right back, that will teach these pesky aliens), or solution 3 (sue for peace, and backstab them as soon as possible)?

*Goes back to looking for huge yellow ships in the sky; we won't be caught unprepared this time! But where did I put my towel...*
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 08:29 PM
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Default Re: First Conatct????

I find the new statements comming out of Quantum Physics to be quite interesting. It seems to blow away much of the scientific logic which was used to discount much of the paranormal, theological, even mythological subjects of the past. Even God can take on a whole new consideration now that "big bang" has been replaced with "membrane crossover", 10 dimensions plus 1, and imported energy/matter
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 10:24 PM
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Default Re: First Contact????

They're denying that they got a signal, but there's no explaination as to what it really was. So was it a signal from some natural source, or was the whole story completely made up, or what?
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 11:41 PM
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Default Re: First Contact????

Kamog said:
They're denying that they got a signal, but there's no explaination as to what it really was. So was it a signal from some natural source, or was the whole story completely made up, or what?
Since the Roswell incident there have been numerous TV shows and movies where the theme involved some "the general public was not ready for this knowledge". Maybe, just maybe, all of those shows are being secretly funded by the government in order to flood us with the idea that "the general public was not ready for this knowledge" so that we will be ready when they come out and actually say it.
(what are those black helicopters over my house?)
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Old September 3rd, 2004, 01:35 AM
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Default Re: First Contact????

Well, I don't know how much of these secret government conspiracy stories are just made up.
There are so many different things that are supposedly covered up by the government that the public is not ready for...

- the secret base at Area 51 where aliens and humans are living together and building flying saucers
- the aliens are mutilating cattle, abducting humans for biological experiments, and creating human-alien hybrids
- they have the technology to turn a destroyer invisible, teleport it, and also travel through time.
- there is a secret program that uses psychic 'remove viewers' to spy on distant locations
- there are 'zero-point energy' devices that can generate unlimited energy from space itself
- the moon landing was faked
- there are secret devices that can influence people's minds and make them sick from a distance
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Old September 3rd, 2004, 06:27 AM
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Default Re: First Contact????

'It's not Area 51 I'm worried about, it's Area's 1 to 50.'

Got that off www.coolsig.com along with my current sig.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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Old September 3rd, 2004, 09:55 AM
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Default Re: First Contact????

- the secret base at Area 51 where aliens and humans are living together and building flying saucers

and developing the next Version of WINXP...

- the aliens are mutilating cattle, abducting humans for biological experiments, and creating human-alien hybrids

and puting them in the bush presidential campaign (did you see the weird clothes the people were using in the republican convention?)

- they have the technology to turn a destroyer invisible, teleport it, and also travel through time.

and are considering selling the tech to Disney...

- there is a secret program that uses psychic 'remove viewers' to spy on distant locations

the latest development of this project is a strange gadget called "webcam" that allow non-psychic people to do the same...

- there are 'zero-point energy' devices that can generate unlimited energy from space itself

using the same principle they created a strage beverage also know as "energetic drinks"...

- the moon landing was faked

and the location used to film is in New Zealand, in the same place the did LOTR...

- there are secret devices that can influence people's minds and make them sick from a distance

also know as "soap operas"...
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