Now that we've WinSPWW2 things can look "over", that is will there be future versions of the game ?
Although there's been a looong way since original SP and the first Camo efforts, there are still mcuh to do to approach "perfectness" if that is ever possible.
I would like to list here gameplay changes that I think would be much welcome. Even if the interface could be enhanced also (formations setup screen, roster ..) the changes would not have a big impact on the game.
Here is my list with priorities

1/ Defensive fire enhancements ! This one is the most important IMHO, it's really sad to see how the units waste their def fire on useless targets - the range can be set but not anything else... I don't like the way SPWAW handle that, the process of "validating" each fire is painful and only helps the player vs the AI. What I suggest would be to be able to set different reaction ranges for different types of targets - lt unarmored vehicles, lt armor (HT and lt tanks), med-hvy armor, guns, infantry...
This should be settable in the scenario design si the IA would use whatever the designer set.
2/ More flexible/varied victory conditions : points multipliers for losses (to represent human waste or safekeep considerations), points for exiting units, "sudden death" conditions, cumulative points for objectives, ..
3/ Solution to the "smoke" problem, I really can"t understand why every squad and its mother can create impenetrable screens for a full hectare (4 hexes worth..). Even for artillery it should be toned down, smoke should only reduce visibility/give negative modifiers and not totally allow units to disappear
4/ A more sensible rout algorithm, with units going away from the enemy and not straight in a given direction.
5/ I don't know if it's even doable, but a "formation activation" system would be great. The idea is to have formations make an "activation check" according to leader quality an C&C status, with failed checks giving reduced movement allowance and/or fewer shots. even greater would be a real "initiative" system, at least for each player (ie having to play formations in a precise order rather than each unit as we want).
Well, that's my ideas, I hope some would share them or at least discuss them