Re: SE5: It\'s out and yet it\'s not
I called and GameStop was unboxing their day's shipment. It has arrived! I went down to the store and picked it up. I came back to the office and was able to install it and see that it will run before lunch was out.
It appears that SEIV Deluxe is on the same disk as SEV. They both can install at the same time. This means it is not just extra disks being sent out, but extra space on the CD being used. The default setup path then does not go through Shrapnel as before. I guess that is the reason.
They got in 3 copies. You can't play just one! Me talking about and ordering it must have helped. Anyone for a road trip to Richardson Tx USA, come on down!
I thought of the sun as a big bright ball of something that produced an intense absence of darkness. Alan Dean Foster No More Crystal Tears