Saw a few posts about this in the past, so I thought I'd make a spreadsheet to edit SE5 components real quick.
Real quick my ***.

Much cursing later, its done. This little toy will let you lay out all your components using Excel, then convert them to a text file SE5 will understand. It does NO error checking, so mind your formatting.
To use:
Edit SE5 Components Editor.xls to taste. Don't edit the Master sheet- that's used later, and editing it will cause you headaches. Use the other sheets.
Once you have your components finished, save it, open up Components Definition.doc, and select Mail Merge from the Tools menu. Press Create-Catalog, then Get Data-Open Data source, and select the spreadsheet. Then click Merge, and click Merge again in the next screen.
Once it churns through your data, you'll have a new Word file open. Just save this as Components.txt and you're done, aside from moving it into your mods directory.
A few notes: its limited to 10 abilities and 10 requirements per components, and generates 200 components by default. If you want to make more components, open the Master sheet, click on row 200, copy, shift-click on the last row you want, and paste.
Eg. if you wanted 400 components, you'd click the 200, press CTRL-C, then scroll down, hold shift, click 400, and press CTRL-V.