That would break the point of playing the WW2 LC then. Real-life commanders get thier orders from higher level HQ, they
dont get to "pick and choose" and cherry-pick the mission.
Plus the LC code has agressiveness numbers built in to influence whether a particular force/oponnent/date/specific location is more offensive in nature (or defensive for that matter), based on the history of WW2. So savng off at that point would not gain you much as the "dice" would still be loaded by the agression number for that point in history.
For example in 3/44 as Japan in the Burma theatre you may get the "Operation U-Go" offensive (Imphal/Kohima/Witok/Chindwin areas)and so get your agression rated up as you are in an offensive operation. In 4/44 to 5/44 you have standard agression (as likely to have to defend as go fwds), but in 6/44 your agression is negative as by then you are holding on to Kohima from XIV Army's counter offensive.
Yes, you can "dodge" the intent of the LC by exiting and reloading the last turn save, as the LC does not save the next node (whether that is a bug or a feature is up to you
). The "price" for this ability to "cherry pick" in an unrealistic and ahistoric manner is that you will need to re-do the purchase and rebuild operation over again, and let it spin the dice again to see your posture for the next game.