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Old October 26th, 2006, 02:42 PM
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Default Not sure I\'m getting mechanics right

The manual for Dom3 is great, but even great is never great enough - whatever you give them, they'll want more. I'm having trouble making sure I get the mechanics of the game right from the manual.

Missile combat (p77): the maximum deviation for a missile, as it is described, is:

range * 1.25 / precision

However, in the given example, range is 8, precision is 10, so the formula give 1. But the text says maximum deviation is 10 squares, and says t his twice.

Which is the correct formula?

Also, the text doesn't say how the final target is determined once the arrow/spell lands in an occupied hex. Is it randomly among all units in the square, independently of size? Or with probability proportional to size? Or each unit with probability (size/6), with some chance of nobody catching the arrow? (Text says bigger units have a bigger chance of being hit, but doesn't make this clear)

(The third answer would make the most sense - otherwise, loose deployment of units, where they each occupy a square by themselves - if this were even possible - would make enemy arrows more effective, not less)

Dominion Spread (p92) doesn't make it clear whether preaching takes effect before or after normal temple checks from Temples, Prophet, Pretender and the like. While it's not that important most of the time, it would be nice to know.

(There are probably others - I'll post more if I think of them)
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Old October 26th, 2006, 03:03 PM

Ironhawk Ironhawk is offline
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Default Re: Not sure I\'m getting mechanics right

To your first point: I dont understand. You say the devation in the example is 1 and the maximum is 10. 1 < 10 so there is no problem there?

As for where the arrow lands in the square, I think your last idea is probably the correct one, but couldnt say for sure.

Dunno about dominion mechanics, they were never as life&death a situation that needing to know all the gritty details was key. Pretty sure that the mechanics of dominion spread hasnt changed in dom3 tho? You could consult the dom2 boards for how the original dominion worked.
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Old October 26th, 2006, 03:48 PM
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Default Re: Not sure I\'m getting mechanics right

Ironhawk said:

Dunno about dominion mechanics, they were never as life&death a situation that needing to know all the gritty details was key.
Not true. Actually they were sometimes. One word - VQ. >

I know for sure that preaching takes place before the battle, at least in Dom2. Once I've lured fully decked VQ into attacking my army, which was traveling in VQ's dominion. Unknown to my enemy, I had several preasts travelling with the army. They spend the night before the battle praying to their God and asking him help them in this dire hour. When VQ struck next turn, thinking that she is safe, she found herself fighing outside of her own dominion. When she fell, she was gone for good.
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Old October 26th, 2006, 04:43 PM
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Default Re: Not sure I\'m getting mechanics right

Ironhawk said:
To your first point: I dont understand. You say the devation in the example is 1 and the maximum is 10. 1 < 10 so there is no problem there?

No, the formula for maximum deviation gives 1, and the text says it gives 10. So I'm asking which is wrong...


As for where the arrow lands in the square, I think your last idea is probably the correct one, but couldnt say for sure.

Dunno about dominion mechanics, they were never as life&death a situation that needing to know all the gritty details was key. Pretty sure that the mechanics of dominion spread hasnt changed in dom3 tho? You could consult the dom2 boards for how the original dominion worked.
This might sometimes mean a little something, but mostly I'm asking because the manual makes out like it's telling us things, only they're not really explained.
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Old October 26th, 2006, 04:47 PM
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Default Re: Not sure I\'m getting mechanics right

Corwin said:
I know for sure that preaching takes place before the battle, at least in Dom2. Once I've lured fully decked VQ into attacking my army, which was traveling in VQ's dominion. Unknown to my enemy, I had several preasts travelling with the army. They spend the night before the battle praying to their God and asking him help them in this dire hour. When VQ struck next turn, thinking that she is safe, she found herself fighing outside of her own dominion. When she fell, she was gone for good.
Actually, the Dom3 manual describes the turn sequence as:

6. Magic battles

11. Assassinations

14. Movement battles

15. Castle storming

24. Dominion

so it looks like this changed with Dom3.
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Old October 26th, 2006, 04:56 PM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: Not sure I\'m getting mechanics right

Missile Combat:

I read that as maximum deviation for a particular missile is:

range * 1.25 / precision

capped at a maximum of 10.
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Old October 26th, 2006, 04:59 PM
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Default Re: Not sure I\'m getting mechanics right

PhilD said:
No, the formula for maximum deviation gives 1, and the text says it gives 10. So I'm asking which is wrong...
Considering the Range is 8, I think its pretty obvious that the maximum deviation is indeed 1.
If it was 10 at range 8, then it would be possible for someone to accidentaly shoot himself, or somehow shoot behind himself.
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Old October 26th, 2006, 05:37 PM

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Default Re: Not sure I\'m getting mechanics right

Yep, I noticed the arrow deviation error and concluded that 1 was the correct answer.
The only reference to the "off course arrow" targeting mechanism is a little below "thus, the more units in a square etc..", that says that the selection is weighted by unit size and also by unit fatigue, but there's no formula...
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Old October 26th, 2006, 08:25 PM

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Default Re: Not sure I\'m getting mechanics right

The manual made it sound like there was no randomness to determine if the archer hits the square he is aiming at. it is strictly a formula based on precision. If the unit you are aiming at is close it will always hit the square, if it is far it will never hit. Is that right? The precision descriptions had me confused. It sounded like we needed another command for our archers. 'Shoot at our own troops.' Only way to make sure that they are safe.

For another question that wasn;t described in the manual, how does head protection differ from body protection? When a hit is made is it some how determined if it was the body or the head that was hit, and the game uses the appropriate protection score. Or are the two protection values simply just combined into one.
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Old October 26th, 2006, 08:41 PM
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Default Re: Not sure I\'m getting mechanics right

PhilD said:
Actually, the Dom3 manual describes the turn sequence as:

6. Magic battles

11. Assassinations

14. Movement battles

15. Castle storming

24. Dominion

so it looks like this changed with Dom3.
Actually it looks like it is exactly the same order as in Dom2 - at least if you only look at the titles:

8. Prayers - Prophets are declared and gods awaken.

24. Dominions - All dominion spread (for whatever reason) is conducted now

As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on rec.games.computer.stars somewhen back in 1998 ...
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