kendric2 said:
Water provinces: Whats the way to attack them. Do all sides have access to water moving heroes.
Not all nations have an easy time of attacking water provinces. Typically, you need amphibious troops, such as the shamblers or Icthyids you can recruit from some coastal provinces. It's also possible for some undead units to go underwater. There are several water and air items that can be constructed and given to your commanders to enable them to lead troops underwater.
Are there such things as underwater races which even having boats doesn't mean you can't attack them?
As long as you have amphibious (or poor amphibian) troops, you can always attack any underwater nation.
Also what is the implication of a race that can't send its main guys on land.
The major implication is that the nation will have a great deal more trouble attacking land provinces than the land nation. The flip side is that these nations typically are very, very good at defending their underwater provinces. They might have to watch out if they get completely surrounded, as land provinces are usually more numerous than underwater provinces.
Another implication is that the heat/cold scale doesn't affect the income from underwater provinces. It's usually fairly safe to take a cold 3 scale with an underwater nation. You usually want cold 3 instead of heat 3 because water magic is less fatiguing in a cold province, and fire magic more fatiguing. If most of your opponents are the cold loving nations, you might want to consider switching to heat 3.
What happens when 2 forts share an adjacent province as far as that provinces resources are concerned. Can one of them use all of it if the other is inactive or do they each get half.
If both adjacent fortresses have an administration statistic of 50, then each will take half the resources from the province, leaving it with no resources. Fortresses do not take resources from other provinces that have a fortress in them.
In the hall of fame my hero showed as only having 1 kill. I put him in the front of the army on attack(minotaur lord)but he never got another kill. Any ideas on how that works.
He might not have achieved another kill because of his trampling leaving weakened opponents that the rest of your army cleans up. I'm not quite sure about why he wouldn't have been able to get more kills however.
What determines siege length?
It's in the manual on page 81, but the short of it is that the reduction in the defense score of the fortress for each of your units is equal to the unit's strength squared then divided by 100. Add one if the unit flies, or add the siege strength if the unit has a siege modifier. The defender builds up the defense statistic by the same amount per trop, except that mindless units are only worth 10% of their value.
Is there a population cap and is it the same for each province.
There's no population cap (Except for the limitations of how big a number can be stored, which would probably be around 2 billion.)