Arralen said:
Great: Exactly ONE choice of pretender/playstyle - thats exactly what we all want.
And its even one the AI cannot really do at all atm. And to remind everyone - I started this thread to talk about the AI and why Mictlan usually dies before turn 10 if played by it.
And I recognized the issue as you described it and explained how a simple change in AI pretender design would void the issue without having to change the underlying game mechanics.

Now, if you want to change the mechanics out of principle, that is one thing, but it isn't
needed, when the real problem isn't the mechanics but the AI's playing capabilities, and the latter can be remedied without too much work.
Now, if the AI in general designed kick-*** pretenders, and this would absolutely screw them up, worsening their situation because they really need those extra points from being dormant or awake to be competitive, there might be an issue; However, as the AI is extremely incompetent in pretender design as is, with regards to choice of pretender, scales, magic, and basic dominion, that hardly seems to be the case.
[I mean look at it - even if you set an AI to impossible such that it has points coming out of the wazoo, it still takes bad scales for the nation, sometimes to the point of crippling it, bad paths, and the wrong choice of pretender for the strategy a human player would have pursued if he had been silly enough to choose those paths in the first place, not to mention nonsensical choice of awakening].
As for those talking about players - well, players just have to make a strategic choice - something that the AI is chronically incapable of in Dominions 3.