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Old November 20th, 2006, 07:39 PM
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Default Re: An Appeal to Caelum from Ulm

Very nice AAR Tyrant, as always.

I enjoy your writing style. Out of respect for it I will not dispute what you said paragraphs by paragraph, although I could.

Sufficient to say is that I stand by my version of the events, it is 100% true. Yomi has confirmed it as well. Until you had attacked Yomi there was no talk about you whatsoever between me and Yomi, so there were no global conspiracy against you. And, as I said earlier, it was Yomi's request that we fight 1 vs 1 war, he asked me it himself, and I seconded it in my letter to you, which you have promptly ignored.

In other words, you have brought your doom upon yourself by your own actions, when you attacked Yomi hoping to get some easy picking while they fight me. Think about it - why would possibly Yomi, who had large army and who was fighting me, all of the sudden went after you, leaving his few remaining provinces to me without fight, if not for your actions? It doesn't make any sense. I've described events of the past accurately in my post, and Yomi has confirmed it. Dead people do not lie.

Sorry, my respected rival, but that's the way it is. Prior to your sudden attack on Yomi, in my exchange with Yomi your nation wasn't even mentioned once. You can have my word on it.

I understand that you are disappointed that your plans have backfired on you in such a way, I would be too if I would be in your shoes.

Lord of Tien Chi Empire

P.S. In any case, frankly all this doesn't matter much for our current situation and for the balance of power in our world. I am not trying to pursue Sky Lord - he has already made his choice, and he has chosen wisely, relying on his own scouts rather than on my, yours or Helheim's words.

I also think Sky Lord cares much more about who represents larger treat to the world and who is the most powerful, than who has the moral right. If so, his choice is a prudent one. Other nations, who do not even have border with us, probably care even less about this old and remote war, but they all care very much about power and threat to their freedom.

Nevertheless I just wanted to set the record straight as far as what happened and why, in the interest of future historians and sages.
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Old November 20th, 2006, 11:22 PM
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Default Victory to the Underdog

The nation of Vanheim is dismissed too quickly. Although our troops have no supernatural quickness or flaming swords, the Dwarves of Vanheim have struck a mighty blow today against the citadel of Helheim itself. Helheim is now under siege by Vanheim armies, led by the heroic Gordon Donne. Knowing that victory in the field would be impossible to achieve without powerful magic or potent blessings of our own, two "potempkin village" forces of serf warriors made trouble along Helheim's border while Gordon snuck through their territories unnoticed until, this turn, he besieged Helheim itself.

Unfortunately, sacrifices were made in the name of this gambit. In the mountains of Vanheim, the Dwarves have retreated to their fortress and the surrounding lands left with only a token defense. They now lay sunken beneath a black ocean of Helheim soldiers, flowing inexorably further towards the western border of Arcosephale with the passing of each night.
But the province of Vanheim itself remains free and strong. And as long as Vanheim stands and Gordon still lives, so do the hopes of the Dwarves.

I would entreat all of my "allies" to sharply step up their aid if they wish Vanheim to weather Helheim's wrath. As wonderful as words are, the time for them is over. Purple prose does not pay the upkeep, silver tongues aren't worth the food to feed them, and the beleaguered Vans have yet to see an ounce of Tien Ch'i gold or the glimmer of a single Caelian air gem. Your empires talk a good fight, but so far it is the Vans who have been fighting Helheim alone for the past six months.

Helheim has sent me an offer of peace, and I am sorely tempted to accept it, provided reasonable concessions on his part. Only the overwhelming suspicion that he would backstab me the moment my troops left his capitol stays my pen-hand.

-Kong Jun She, Emperor of Vanheim and the Dwarves
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Old November 21st, 2006, 12:00 AM
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Default Re: Victory to the Underdog

The nation of Helheim is confused and impressed by Vanheims abilities. We had no aggression towards Vanheim and allowed peaceful trade and tourism along our borders before they attacked us without warning.

The previous month we had tentatively offered a peace (albeit late in the month) only to have our capital besieged by a cleaver sneak attack led by a glorous general.

We understand this, regrettably the realities of our time regartably require and allow actions like these.

Our only pain is the suspicion of stabbing a knife into someone after we have made a deal. Despite the fear over our size and effective arguments over our threat vs others we have never acted dishonourably.

Sadly a peace at this point is unlikely. Our gods gardens have been trampled and only his inner sactuary remains safe and pure. We hope to prevail and if so, we will always remember the tale of Gordon Donne and his noble victories.
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Old November 21st, 2006, 12:52 AM
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Default Re: Victory to the Underdog

The destruction of our ally Agartha, and the fearsome power of the Black Horsemen of Helheim was a warning that Vanheim heeded well.

We were too late to save departed Agamemnon (though we tried), so we took steps to gain as much of an advantage as possible before we could be attacked: a pre-emptive strike. Rest assured that no ambition of personal gain was involved. A sane nation does not attempt to conquer a nation twice is its size and power for territorial expansion alone.

I believe that Gordon's raid has give me something of value with which to begin bargaining. How could we do so otherwise, with nothing for Vanheim to offer?

But if Ull of Helheim will accept only death, we can march to that pyrrhic conclusion together.

- Kong of Vanheim
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Old November 21st, 2006, 06:58 PM
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Default The \"Strange War\"

Funny, the great war between 5 our nations has begun 2 turns ago (or rather joined by 3 nations 2 turns ago, since Vanheim has been fighting their black twin since earlier). But Ulm's, Helheim's, Caelum's, and mine armies keep growing, with no major battles yet.

So far my only serious casualties were one company of W5Es, who were trying to catch some of the Helheim's raiders near my capital. The whole squad was completely wiped out together with support troops. But they have managed to kill few valkiries and one heldrot before they died.

Caelum is also stomping alone fine with his mammoths, without encountering any opposition so far. Meanwhile Helheims invisible armies keep growing as well.

Personally I don't like this silence. And I don't trust it one bit. > I think Helheim is up to something huge, if he has been preparing it for 3 turns now.

Ulm is more predictable due to the nature of his troops, but he also keep sneaking his stealthy troops inside his besieged fort. Last turn almost half of my armies could not even scratch his walls. Good thing Ulm has decided not to patrol his fort, his armies had a chance to win that battle I think.

The anticipation in the air is so thick you could almost touch it.

OOC: It's almost like a "phony war" in 1939-1940, when WW2 started. All major powers declared war on each other, but for almost a year, there were no real battles. Then all hell broke lose of course.
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Old November 21st, 2006, 07:33 PM
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Default Re: The \"Strange War\"

The calm before the storm.

I want details when all Hell breaks free. Figuratively speaking of course.
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Old November 21st, 2006, 08:11 PM
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Default Re: The \"Strange War\"

Our goal in this conflict was only to distract Tien Chi and give Ulm time to recover and a fighting chance.

Sadly there will be no storm upon Tien Chi as our forces are no waiting in ambush in his lands. We wish they were, our generals are beating themselves on the head for not coming up with tactic described by the Tien empire. Unfortunately our forces have been engaged against Vanheim.

Even this turn brave general Egil brought another force to besiege beloved Argatha. The people were just experiencing peace, democracy and true joy when these foreign fighters came and ruined everything. If not for these incursions Argatha would be a land of milk and honey like all other lands we hold dominion over.

The sneaky troops have gotten so bad that our congress and senate got together and passed a new law to prevent this type of terrorist attack. From now on all bad guys and foreign troops are required to register upon entry and are given a big "I'm A Bad Guy" T-shirt to be worn at all times. This way we can see these armies coming and prepare a proper defense.

Already this policy has proven extremely effective:
1.) All bad guys must register.
2.) Nobody has registered.
3.) Our land is free from bad guys!!

Our government was so pleased with this result that they voted themselves a 50% raise.

Luckily our elite and *top secret* order (you know the one that pulls the strings) knows the real truth. We will do anything to keep up the spirits of our people in these dire times.
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Old November 21st, 2006, 09:04 PM
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Default Re: The \"Strange War\"

Maltrease said:
Our goal in this conflict was only to distract Tien Chi and give Ulm time to recover and a fighting chance.

Tien Chi's best generals have spent several sleepless nights trying to understand how raiding several provinces which are 7 provinces away from frontline with Ulm would give Ulm time to recover and a fighing chance. They failed miserably. The fact they they don't understand the way brilliant military minds in Helheim High Command work makes Tein Chi generals even more intimidated and suspicious of their Helheim rivals.


The sneaky troops have gotten so bad that our congress and senate got together and passed a new law to prevent this type of terrorist attack. From now on all bad guys and foreign troops are required to register upon entry and are given a big "I'm A Bad Guy" T-shirt to be worn at all times. This way we can see these armies coming and prepare a proper defense.

Already this policy has proven extremely effective:
1.) All bad guys must register.
2.) Nobody has registered.
3.) Our land is free from bad guys!!

Our government was so pleased with this result that they voted themselves a 50% raise.

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Old November 21st, 2006, 10:08 PM
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Default Re: The \"Strange War\"

The war is lost for Vanheim. We knew the W9 Helhirdings were too powerful to fight without blessings, but we still underestimated them. Vanheim was garrisoned with 70 Van HI, 50 points of province defense, 30 Pale riders, 1 gargoyle and 2 Van leaders- a powerful force. But Helheim crushed this force, losing only a single Helhirding and a handful of indy archers.
We will fight to the end, but, in all seriousness, we no longer believe the Helhirdings can be defeated without high level evocation spells.
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Old November 21st, 2006, 11:22 PM
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Default Re: The \"Strange War\"

Potatoman said:
The war is lost for Vanheim. We knew the W9 Helhirdings were too powerful to fight without blessings, but we still underestimated them. Vanheim was garrisoned with 70 Van HI, 50 points of province defense, 30 Pale riders, 1 gargoyle and 2 Van leaders- a powerful force. But Helheim crushed this force, losing only a single Helhirding and a handful of indy archers.
We will fight to the end, but, in all seriousness, we no longer believe the Helhirdings can be defeated without high level evocation spells.
Damn. I am sorry to hear it Lord of Vanheim. It looks like Helheim has one less foe now.

How big was the army that attacked your capital? And how many helhirdings were there?
And what is the location of your capital where this tragic event happened?
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