Esben Mose Hansen said:
Cainehill said:
Eh, since when has not taking misfortune helped that much? I mean - I take Luck-3 _every_ game. And in every one of five MP games, I've had to re-take provinces from random events. In one, by turn 15 I'd lost provinces _four_ times, meaning that I essentially lost any chance at being a contender.
Luck _still_ doesn't do nearly enough.
Wild guess... those provinces were under a misfortune dominion? Remember, having a good dominion is little use if you don't push it 
Nope, friendly dominion with luck in most cases, and definately in that last game. The problem with luck is that it still actually increases the likelihood of bad effects, by increasing the likelihood of _some_ event happening, without doing enough to reduce the odds of bad events.
(This is of course my non-scientific analysis, as opposed to a mathematical analysis based on the published effects of luck/misfortune.
