llamabeast said:
Ooh, also I want to know - how is Yomi trapped within a web of magical power?
That's actually going to be a surprise.
I'll be able to give a tell-all in about 2 turns probably, but right now I have to keep mum about it or FAJ will rearrange his troops to minimize losses.
And Frank, do you know why my flaming arrows didn't work?
In the 3.00 version, Poison Arrows don't flame. So your "Sauromatian Archers" were shooting flaming arrows and your "Androphag Archers" were not. That's fixed later on.
What's "Power of the Ankh"?
It's a unique magical artifact that casts Life After Death at the beginning of every battle, which gives every living creature on my side a second chance as a soulless. Soulless are crappy beyond belief, but have no encumberance, so they are pretty much the preferred state for Wizards (commanders retain that status and spellcasters retain their paths in their second chance). The important part however is that when Shadowblasts eliminated whole squads, they didn't make holes in my army, so subsequent shadowblasts targetted the same area. In short, holding the Ankh roughly halved the effect of your magical artillery. And it caused there to be a really big pile of Undead showing up on the field which caused unscripted death mages to panic and start casting Dust to Dust (which is quite effective at taking out Soulless, but no more so than a Broadsword would be, those guys are terrible).
In short, the Ankh gives a second life to all my mages and causes warriors to turn into decoys instead of corpses when killed.
I think it's supposed to turn armed warriors into soulless warriors instead of regular soulless, which would be more threatening, but that bug affected me less than the flaming arrows bug affected you, so I'll take it.
If I'd been fighting one of your earlier armies (back in the days of Arcoscephale) I think I'd have won.
Oh definitely. That army was powered by the fact that Evoation 6 was then new and terrifying and when combined with Demons of the Celestial Rivers (who are pretty tough), made short work of enemy forces. I mean, we defeated Arco's Myrmidons the same way we stopped Helheim's first attack into our lands: tie them up with expendible units and drop Sulphur Haze on the whole battle - everyone dies both elites and lion clan warriors. Then we pat ourselves on the back because Lion Clan Warriors are really cheap and Myrmidons/Helhirdings are really expensive. Obviously that wouldn't have been a viable strategy against a pile of Mounted Longdead.
Today we have a bunch of level 8 magics and we don't use those old "one-for-me-one-for-you" tactics.