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Old January 4th, 2007, 11:46 AM

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Default Re: Confrontation

I warned i was out of town
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Old January 5th, 2007, 02:13 PM
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Default Re: Confrontation

What news, elsewhere in the land?

Does the triple alliance of Kailasa, Ermor and Sauromatia still hold? What earth-shaking deeds have they gone on to accomplish?

Sauromatia has climbed to the top of many graphs, though I have neither heard nor seen any sign of their empire.

Atlantis seems to be growing.

Any other interesting events going down?
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Old January 5th, 2007, 04:00 PM
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Default Re: Confrontation

C'tis feels safe with the second largest military, and we are dominating in research.
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Old January 5th, 2007, 11:27 PM
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Default Re: Confrontation

Things are exciting in the lands of Pangaea. We have eliminated Agartha and turned our attention to Tien Chi.
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Old January 6th, 2007, 02:45 AM

LeSquide LeSquide is offline
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Default Re: Confrontation

Sauromatia's empire is built upon the bloody fields of countless foolish independent nations, whose foolish opposition saw their rebellious leaders executed and skinned alive! The bodies of the Light Infantry of genericprovince #1 and the Light Cavalry of genericprovince #2 are piled high in skinless piles, in which they are piled without skin!

Then there were some troglodytes and some heroes in otherwise normal provinces! That took some more time! But now there are piles of very big and irregularly shaped skins, for glorious Sauromatia did defeat their foul forces and take trophies from their flayed hides!

And then there was a mutual defense pact that resulted in Abysia disappearing, and thus many wonderful fields of soot were made available for the mighty legions of Sauromatia to march over, waving banners made out of the skins of their enemies, which were piled in massive piles of skinlessness from previous skinnings!
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Old January 8th, 2007, 01:33 AM
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Default A Hole

The taskmaster cracked his whip at a slow moving slave.

"Work faster," he barked. Another taskmaster came up to him and started talking in a quiet whisper.

"So have you figured out why we are digging this hole?" One of the slaves overheard this and threw the taskmaster a nasty look. "Get back to work," he yelled, cracking his whip.

"No, not yet," replied the other taskmaster as the slave walked away. "I think that Sissassuss has lost his mind. I can’t believe that he replaced the C’tissian police with those pale riders."

"Well, at least the riots are down. A fact I am surprised by. I thought that after the public found out about Ama’lishia’s death, chaos would reign."

"I heard that all they found left of him were some ashes."

"Well, I heard that he was eliminated, because he was trying to build a resistance against Sissassuss."

"All I know is that it was a major loss. He was the only one in the Conclave who was ever against taking independent territories."

"Too bad there are not more peaceful Sauromancers like him."

"Quit fraternizing!" The two taskmasters quickly turned around and looked up to see Namchadnessar standing at the edge of the hole, glaring down at them. They immediately separated, walking in two different directions on the scaffolding. "I hate taskmasters. They’ve no sense of honor," he muttered to himself. Namchadnessar glanced at the sky. It was another hot and humid day, just the way he liked it. His gilded armor gleamed in the sunlight. His armor was a matter of pride to him. Namchadnessar had spent most his life climbing through the ranks. As a lizard lord, he was well known, but it was when he led the C’tissian army to victory after victory against the wild independent forces, that he became a hero. Unlike most commanders, Namchadnessar preferred fighting on the front lines alongside his troops. Such actions were impossible after he got stuck with a spear in his leg. He had a limp ever since then. Slowly, his heroic deeds got outclassed by more powerful beings, but he is still a hero to C’tis.

Namchadnessar looked down into the hole. It was large and deep. There was scaffolding everywhere. The predator lizardmen chipped away at rock with pickaxes. Taskmasters made certain that everything kept moving smoothly. This was the first day he actually saw the hole. Normally Ama’ushumgalanna would oversee the project, but Namchadnessar needed some air, and Ama, as Sissassuss would refer to him, looked like he could use a break. He suspected that Ama was behind his brother’s death, but that was a matter Namchadnessar would prefer to not talk about.

Namchadnessar saw something out of the corner of his eye. He turned around and saw Sissassuss approaching him.

"Greetingsss Namchadnessssar. Where isss Ama?"

"I relieved him of his duties for today. It looked like he could use a rest. Should I go get him?"

"No, I jussst need you to get everyone out of the hole."

"Why? Are you not satisfied with the progress?"

"The progressss isss acssseptable, but it isss time for me to finish the job."

"Very well." Namchadnessar alerted some of the taskmasters to get the slaves out of the hole, and returned to Sissassuss’s side. "Is there anything else you want?"

"Return to the sssity with the diggersss. I wish to be alone."

"Very well."
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Old January 8th, 2007, 03:08 AM
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Default Sssuperb

Ama’ushumgalanna walked through the twisting tunnels. His feet caused the small amount of water that had collected on the floor to splash. Torches were placed periodically throughout the tunnels so that when the light of one had almost ended, the light of another began. The air was damp and warm, perfect for a lizardman. Ama’ushumgalanna finally reached the end. He pushed open the wooden door that stood in front of him. There sat Sissassuss in his chair. Ama’ushumgalanna looked at one area of the room and noticed a small well.

"So that is it?"

"Yessssss," Sissassuss drew out his hissing longer than normal. "I trussst you know what to do."

"Of course, my lord."

"Sssuperb. Let usss rid the world of sssome of it’sss illsss." Sissassuss rose out of his chair, walked past Ama’ushumgalanna, and closed the door behind him.
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Old January 9th, 2007, 04:03 AM
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Default Re: Sssuperb

I have received information from allies telling me I am at war with Ryleh, is this true?
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Old January 9th, 2007, 03:14 PM
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Default Re: Sssuperb

Lord Cathbad,

This message is being sent as we siege the capital of Ulm. It seems a new pretender has usurped the throne of Ulm and that is the reason for the unexpected attacks against our people. He is now holed up in the last stronghold as our forces destroy what is left of the Ulmish kingdom. Everything goes as expected in our war verses the aggressors except for one thing my lord.

A messenger from Rlyeh has come and explained it is not our right to defend our people or be agressive towards those that would attack us. We have been given an ultimatum and our "friends" from the sea seem to have ambitions that are not in the best interests of Pangaea. Last month sir, a fight between our people was adverted by chance that some renegade Ulm rebels retook a province.

I am sure messengers will be sent from Rlyeh to our capital and I thought you should know the complete situation before negotiating. Also my lord, our closest ally has sent messengers to our force saying he will not help us if war is waged between us and Rlyeh. These are dangerous times and our neighbors grow envious of our success.

Haiphastos, Centaur Cohort Commander
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Old January 11th, 2007, 02:07 PM
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Default Re: Sssuperb

Pangaea and R'lyeh have patched up their differences without bloodshed. Yay, fluffy bunnies!
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