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Old January 10th, 2007, 07:55 PM

Isit Isit is offline
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Default Re: make us some maps

NM I figured it out.
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Old January 10th, 2007, 07:56 PM

Capt_Jack Capt_Jack is offline
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Default Re: make us some maps

I am fooling around with Photoshop and the maps. I can't seem to grasp the location of one piece of data. If I want to tweak the location on the map of a province, where is the province location ( like a set of pixel coordinates) stored.

Stated differently.. If I create a .rgb and a .map file where is the link between the 2 stored?
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Old January 10th, 2007, 08:02 PM
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Default Re: make us some maps

Capt_Jack said:
Stated differently.. If I create a .rgb and a .map file where is the link between the 2 stored?
It's stored in the .map file... when you open your image within the map editor, make your adjustments and then save the map the .map file will be created linking the two files.
Do not make changes within the .map file such as setting allies and then use the map editor to change province settings, otherwise once you save the map within the editor all the information you typed into the .map file will be lost.... this happened to me.
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Old January 10th, 2007, 08:25 PM
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Default Re: make us some maps

DrPraetorious ....
your special barbarian province 16 looks great except one thing which you may or may not know. You have 3 #knownfeatures listed yet when the map is created if 2 random magic sites are placed on the province then one of your #knownfeatures will not appear. If you definitely want all three of those magic sites to appear then add the #killfeatures before your #knownfeature commands.
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Old January 10th, 2007, 08:51 PM
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Default Re: make us some maps

I need to dig up my snippets (I called them zones I think).

Lets see...
There was one full of black hawks all carrying exploding amulets

and the Forest of Black Wood which had that site that allows recruiting centaurs, and a dozen centaurs all armed with Black Bow

Another that had centaurs armed with Bow of War

The Lost Village that had a ***** Queen, and skinshifter bodyguards, and lots of wolves
And another Lost Village of all vampires

Crystal Tower with caelum troops but I forget the layout of it

Gryphon Vale (gryphons without riders)

Is anyone putting the neighbors into an array? That would allow for recognition of more than just terrain.
Island: land with all water neighbors
Lake: water with all land neighbors
Volcano: mountain with no mountains around it
Penninsulas, valleys, etc
Also Cave: kindof anyway,land with only one land neighbor

Gandalf Parker
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Old January 11th, 2007, 12:12 AM
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Default Re: make us some maps

NTJedi - yes, you are 100% correct.

Since #killfeatures is part of all my special provinces, it spits it out by default, doesn't need to be added to each special.

Gandalf - yeah, remember you requested island and lake functionality when I posted version 0.1 of the script? It does indeed keep track of neighbors, and spits out comments re: what's a lake and what's an island. Now that you bring it up, it would be much more logical to put specials on lakes (especially) and islands than just scattered around at unused start locations.

In addition to specifying a mask for every eligible special province, I can also specify something about the neighbors - two extra lines of code, easy. That way you could have special provinces that can only be islands etc. I'll get on that.

I wasn't planning on posting a new version of my map-funker until paradox bringer can generate wrap-around maps that he's willing to let me have .

At that point, I can start nagging him about how I want my script to add little symbols to his map when it places start locations, special provinces, etc.
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe
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Old January 11th, 2007, 07:32 AM
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Default Re: make us some maps

@DrPraetorious : I'm currently writing a perl library that will make those kind of script easier.

I should finish tonight the parsing function (from *any .map file, it extract all the informations into a perl structure (it woouldn't be hard to make a true perl object), including the list of terrains types (and similar settings such as 'manysites') of each province.

Simple functions will then be able to edit the provinces and map settings, and another function (that I plan to have done by this week-end) will then output the edited .map file.

When the first version is done (parsing and output functions done + random commanders function (with or without bodyguards and/or units) + simple exemple script) I will post it on the mod forum.
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A: "Yes !" <stranges noises>
Dominions Map validator and randomizer : http://dominions.realites.org
Dominions Map editor v0.75b : http://dominions.realites.org/map_editor
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Old January 11th, 2007, 08:06 AM
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Default Re: make us some maps

NTJedi said:
Edi said:
Actually, #fort <nbr> does work as advertised, but I'm not sure if the fort numbers in the manual are correct. I have them listed correctly in the DB and I can post some kind of a list of them from home tomorrow (I'm at work now).

This might be a 'notepad' issue again, but #fort "<nbr>" gives unpredictable results on the many maps I've tested.
I did find a complicated workaround to get the correct fort to appear using notepad.
#fort "<fort_number>" = is unpredictable and should not be used
IF the map editor uses the complicated workaround below the correct fort can appear using notepad:
#owner <fort_number>#fort "<any_number>" = WORKS !!

Using the command above within notepad will allow the correct fort to appear and proves the command is broken at least when using notepad. Since most game owners are using Windows and the map edit PDF says a text editor can be used... it's broken. Based on what I discovered it's not working as advertised.
That's a notepad issue, not a problem with the game. Notepad for some reason uses a different form of endline command than standard. It's some kind of proprietary Microsoft thing. Using any other text editor will give you no problems at all. With all the alternatives out there, why anyone would want to use that piece of crap anyway is quite beyond me.

Personally I use Crimson Editor. It's a completely free and far more powerful tool than Notepad and doesn't have any issues with the endlines. Other good choices are Textpad (which you can run off a USB stick withoyt ever needing to install it) and any of a dozen others.

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Old January 11th, 2007, 09:19 AM

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Default Re: make us some maps

Gandalf Parker said:
altho I probably should pull the list from the game again in case the last couple of patches added any.
About #21 "Jerellen Wall" : isn'it "Jervallian" wall rather ?
I've found such a site, but it didn't give me any fortress - bug ?
As the site didn't give anything *at all* indeed, it should be a bug !
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Old January 11th, 2007, 11:09 AM
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Default Re: make us some maps

The Jervallan Wall gives me a fortress when I find it.

Did you already build a fortress in the province? It won't replace an existing fort.
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe
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