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Old January 11th, 2007, 06:26 PM

narwan narwan is offline
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Default Re: Red Army = most effective force !

Marcello said:
Which requires digging hundreds of meters or kilometers of deep trenches.
No it doesn't. It is a common misconception that in order to significantly disrupt a supply network you need to take out every link. You don't. You only have to take out one (the weakest being the easiest target).
The capacity of a supply system is determined by the lowest capacity point along the entire chain. For example, if you have two long stretches or road of equal width, length, material, incline etc. The only difference is that one of them has an extremely sharp bend halfway. That one will have a lower capacity for the simple reason that traffic will need to slow down in order to make the turn. It doesn't matter that all the miles before and after the bend it has the same capacity as the other road. It's the choke point (the bend) that determines the capacity of the entire line. Does that mean that taking out one point suffices to make a supply chain collapse (temporarily)? Sometimes it does. A lot of WP division would be moving over very few roads in the northern sector. That means they can't easily switch roads for supply chains without disrupting each others supply. So one bridge taken out along a supply route can halt the flow along that entire supply chain. Until it's replaced. By an engineer bridge which will have a much lower capacity and which in turn can be taken out again.
Besides the capacity of a network there's the question of the absolute time which it takes for one specific unit of supply to cross the whole chain. The road example again; if you add some more curves and bends after the first one which are not as sharp you won't add a 'weaker' link than there already is. Those additional bends will cause each vehicle to slow down somewhat though again adding to the time for that vehicle (and it's load) to get to its destination. So each additional weakening of links will reduce the capacity of the part from the previous (and weaker) link.
Delaying is the whole point of obstacles and blockages. Going around them may look like a TACTICAL solution, strategically it doesn't solve the problem of being delayed. It takes time to go around, especially in war with all its uncertainties (and certainties...).

Think of the emergency exit of a public building. If it doesn't have the capacity to let through everyone on time casualties will occur. Not just because of the emergency itself (a fire for example) but also because of the crowding in front of the exit (in supply terms it means that traffic jams will happen in front of choke points and those jams themselves will reduce the capacity further). Now imagine that exit being closed (a bridge blown up or other weak link taken out). Someone can go around with a key and open it from the outside but not only will additional casualties have occurred (and huge traffic jams created) it may very well be too late all together. The door needs to be open at exactly the time you need it. Not five minutes later. Same with supply.
Logistics is NOT a simple and easy affair which tags along the combat elements. It governs the combat elements. And it is very susceptible to disruption.

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Old January 11th, 2007, 07:59 PM
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Default Re: Red Army = most effective force !

"No it doesn't."

Ok, let's see if I get this.You are proposing to create obstacles on the roads and in order to prevent said obstacles to be easily bypassed you are proposing digging trenches

"to block trucks driving around blocked roads"


Now, it seems pretty evident to me that this requires a a trench long, deep and wide enough that either going off road and driving around it or filling it to create a passage would be a significant nuisance and time wasting, thus creating a bottleneck. A ten meters long trench simply will not do the trick.
The little problem is that this might require a significant amount of time with commercial equipment. And time is a commodity very in short supply in such scenario.
Never mind you need to plan in advance so that unit X knowns that in wartime is going to commandeer two bulldozers from Schmidt & Co to dig a couple of hundreds of meters of trenches on both sides of Autobahn Y at Km Z.
The rest of your post is true,if a little overstated, and at the same time totally irrilevant to the practical solution of the problem described above.
Now:was it actually planned? I have not got any indication that it was.Neither you have told me.
Yourself quoted the use of nuclear demolition mines:if conventional demolition was so quick and effective as you make it to be why bother with them?
Finally when the problem was keeping columns bottled on roads minefields were the standard solution AFAIK. Not digging trenches. Laying mines is much faster and simpler.

"It is much, much easier to demolish and block than it is to clear and circumvent."

It depends exactly on what sort of blocks are being talked about.The israelis spent a couple of years building the
Bar-Lev line. The egyptians breached it in matter of hours.
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Old January 11th, 2007, 08:34 PM
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Default Re: Red Army = most effective force !

NATO would have about 48 hours or less warning of a Soviet attack. I don't think enough logistical damage and scortched earth could have been performed in that time to seriosly stop an offensive, even if there was strong enough political will (which is questionable).

You have to remember that Soviet strategy depended on total and overwhelming commitment to win a possible war within a week or two. again I don't think a few blown bridges and cratered highway would have stopped the 'show'.

But we should also consider that CPSU remained against a war of conquest in Europe, and there wasn't much support among the general population for one either. So, talking about a unprovoked suprise WP attack is a little unrealistic. I can only see war between NATO and WP happening a result of a smaller European conflict escalating into a general war.

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Old January 12th, 2007, 05:25 AM
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Default Re: Red Army = most effective force !

People, just found an essay regarding nuclear weapons drawdown that sheds a different light on that "nuclear demolition charges" business:

[ulr]http://www.npec-web.org/Essays/Paper050202BerlinRuehlTheFutureofUSTacticalNuclear Weapons.pdf[/url]

These things are mentioned in the beginning (lumped together with nuclear mines) but further down (middle of page 18) a paragraph states that the concept was tried out in the 60s but never implemented whether in Germany or in Turkey, where it could have been useful too.
Would it turn out that it was one of those crazy early-cold-war nuke projects?
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Old January 12th, 2007, 05:58 AM
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Default Re: Red Army = most effective force !

that paper clearly shows, the western European member's of NATO reluctance to use any, including tactical nuclear weapons .

I think both sides in case of a possible conflict would be reluctant to use even tactical nuclear weapons for fear of escalation.
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Old January 12th, 2007, 07:12 AM

Siddhi Siddhi is offline
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Default Re: Red Army = most effective force !

ok, some more down-time at work so i can contribute a little to this. i wish i could tell you what i do, it would make some of the coversation a little easier. nonetheless some interesting points here.

regarding obstacles (again):
as mentioned, i am completly indocterinated in the use of obstacles (this is not the correct term in english, i know, in german we have three different words for it)on the operative-strategic and tactical level. i am pretty well appraised therefore as to how practical they are (very) but also what counter-measures are available.

firstly, one link with some pics that show you an overview of different types of "sperren":

"digging a trench" is by far the least economical action in a operative-strategic enviornment; it is too easily filled in. to point out: most tanks can be equipped with dozer blades realtivly easily, on the attack in advanced echalon for instance even the hungarians would have put a blade on one tank in EACH PLATOON. this has serious repercations on mobility and therefore these tanks would probally have dropped out in a break-through, however by that time you do not need the blades anymore as you do not obviously build obstacles in your own rear area (it would hinder resupply or retreat). trenches are ONLY used in the tactical enviornment (anti-tank ditch) and in this capacity are superior to mines. generally speaking ALL obstacles are used in foremost in a tactical (say defensive) enviornment, and are covered by fire (even if only a squad).

the most often used "obstacle" is the "stecksperre" which is effectifly iron rails put into slots in ground. these have to be removed manually.

demolitions were everywhere, EVERY SINGLE BRIDGE, TUNNEL, etc. in austria and germany was built with this in mind, all transport infrastructure has defensive component in mind. OTOH, smaller rivers, streams etc. present no problem for WAPA, they can often be forded relativly closely to the actual briding site (forded i mean water leavel under 1m). deeper/fast rivers or more importantly concreted river banks were more of a problem, however every "spearhead" force would have had engineering capabiltiy to deal with this, those engineering bridges, which were perfectly adequate for supporting attacking "breakthrough" forces over small rivers and cannals that dominate in the north german plain. their carry capacity (actualy transit capacity) is only marginaly less then a "normal" two lane 50T carry capacity brige that represent the vast majority of bridges in the AO we are talking about, i.e. only one tank per transit. for resupply it is a larger problem, but the solution was to built onld "barge bridges" (pontoon bridges), the ratio was always at least 2 pontoon bridges to an actual bridge. all of these efforts are taken into account when one says an average advance of 40-70km per day, if there were not such concerns advancing speeds (such as in iraq, would be much, much higher. larger rivers, and more "broken" terrain (hills and woods) are a much bigger problem.

the point is not that obstacles are irrelevant - far from it - i'm a great believer in them. however one has to be aware of the whole picture. in our case for instance, despite having the heaviest fortified lines in europe, vienna would still not have been defendable as the terrain to east is basically the same as in the north german plain. obstacles without fire cover are quickly delt with, and fire cover in "open" terrain (compared with southern germany, most of ausrtria, norway, etc.) is quickly delt with and also a real "sucide" mission that most armies in the west did not really take seriously.

- mobilisation times
the hungarians had a problem with political will in the first case, and the mission they were assigned to (south west austria). later in the decade also most of their units were category B regarding mob time, in the earlier 1980s however they would still have been able to at least field one tank division immidietly to support the 4 sov division
advancing over vienna. the readyness of the czechoslovakian and especially GDR units was higher, espeically the later, and they were a fair match for the "minor" nato countries.

this is something i am less aware of so here a question. the fabled "assault breaker" system that was designed to overcome penetrations was abandoned, if i remember correctly, and the function was taken over much latter by apache-armed hellfire tank-killers. was this realistic? i only know that for TOW equipped helis it was a losing proposition, a they would max get two shots of before having to withdraw. could the early apache really fire hellfires so quickly as to present an "assault breaker"?

also, air force: i also remember that a problem was the "lack of primary airfields" for NATO in germany. this presupposed that the main AFBs would all be hit in the opening days and rendered temporarily unsuitable. the alternative strips (civilian airfields and highways) had a much lower sortie and supply rate, but how much lower, were there any actual loadout restrictions (e.g. no LGMs?) how long could NATO have sustained operations from such limited conditions and supply constraints?

- on "arming the population"
interesting that you mention it. in austria we had during this time a full "regular" call up of 270,000 men. However we had enough arms arms (including some old WWII equipment! some of which is however great) and uniforms to arm over 1 million men. If it really had come to that a "general call-up" would have been ordered and all men with military training under the age of 45 would have been recalled and put into "general reinforcement" pools. these men would have to "re-trained" so this would only be a proposition in the "long-war" (over 30 days).

more interesting is the "total defense strategy" employed by us, the norwegians, swedes and finns (to various degree). Like the Finns (SiSi)and Norwegians (HV - Homegaurd)we had dedicated "stay-behind" forces - so called "jagdkampf battillione" that were up between 15-30,000 men. these guys spent their entire conscript training actualy training commando tactics, i.e. no "active" service at all, and would have been resupplied by a blizzard of bunkers and caches.

in terms of using civilans (incl. ex service without mob requirement) - completly out of the question. a.) they would be a liablity and a danger b.) protecting the civilian population is the whole point of the army. OTOH in occupied territories it was expected that some would join the "jagdkommando" force on their own -if they could find them they were clearly good enough to join.
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Old January 12th, 2007, 02:01 PM

narwan narwan is offline
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Default Re: Red Army = most effective force !

Marcello said:
Ok, let's see if I get this.You are proposing to create obstacles on the roads and in order to prevent said obstacles to be easily bypassed you are proposing digging trenches
Nope. Never said the obstacles would be easily bypassable. On the contrary, if they were they wouldn't exactly match the definition of an obstacle now would they? The whole trenches thing which you seem to get hung up on was nothing more than a simple side remark as part of a list of possible ways to create blockades. Which means it was only one of many options and that clearly implies that in mnay situations there would be other and better alternatives. But in some it could be of great use. My reference to blocking trucks is simply to reitterate that we're talking about blocking supply units, NOT combat units.

Marcello said:
Now, it seems pretty evident to me that this requires a a trench long, deep and wide enough that either going off road and driving around it or filling it to create a passage would be a significant nuisance and time wasting, thus creating a bottleneck. A ten meters long trench simply will not do the trick.
Well, you clearly imagine a piece of terrain where 10 meters wouldn't do the trick. What's important though are those few places were 10 metres (or 20 etc depeding on what is effectively feasible in a situation) would do the trick! The whole point of the 'art of obstruction' is to do it where it counts.

Marcello said:
"It is much, much easier to demolish and block than it is to clear and circumvent."

It depends exactly on what sort of blocks are being talked about.
Exactly. The right type of block for the right type of place. Glad you agree.

Marcello said:
The israelis spent a couple of years building the
Bar-Lev line. The egyptians breached it in matter of hours.
A defensive line is something completely different, as is breaking a line in combat. You will also know then that after the breakthrough the egyptians had a very hard time keeping the troops on the other side supplied.

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Old January 12th, 2007, 02:12 PM

narwan narwan is offline
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Default Re: Red Army = most effective force !

Smersh said:
NATO would have about 48 hours or less warning of a Soviet attack. I don't think enough logistical damage and scortched earth could have been performed in that time to seriosly stop an offensive, even if there was strong enough political will (which is questionable).

You have to remember that Soviet strategy depended on total and overwhelming commitment to win a possible war within a week or two. again I don't think a few blown bridges and cratered highway would have stopped the 'show'.

But we should also consider that CPSU remained against a war of conquest in Europe, and there wasn't much support among the general population for one either. So, talking about a unprovoked suprise WP attack is a little unrealistic. I can only see war between NATO and WP happening a result of a smaller European conflict escalating into a general war.

True, the whole debate of a WP vs NATO conflict in europe does sidestep the cause and lead up to a war. Many scenario's can be imagined and much of the subsequent combat would depend on it.
Unprovoked is a tricky term though. I can see an WP attack as a reaction on severe economic setbacks within the SU (possibly influenced or engineered by the west). That could imo have led to a WP attack, and very possibly one they were not ready for themselves. Many possibilities and the ones we all have in our respective heads probably have a great influence in how we see a further conflict develop.

For example I don't believe in a WP surprise attack, which your 48 hour warning time would amount to. They simply would not have enough forces available in such a short time. As far as I know it would have taken them at least a month to prepare and get ready (that month refering to noticeable preparations, in other words indicating to the west that something was afoot). So either no surprise but a lot of troops or surprise and very few troops. While they'd need both to have a chance of defeating NATO... That at least is the context in which I see such a conflict.

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Old January 12th, 2007, 02:44 PM
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Default Re: Red Army = most effective force !

If Soviet commanders gave NATO a month in advance to prepare defenses they would not attack in the first place.
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Old January 12th, 2007, 03:37 PM

narwan narwan is offline
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Default Re: Red Army = most effective force !

Smersh said:
If Soviet commanders gave NATO a month in advance to prepare defenses they would not attack in the first place.
Also true. Which would mean a conventional attack would have been extremely hard to pull off.
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