Re: Brainstorming : LA Man, Vs LA Utgard
If you are facing hordes, you will likely need hordes to deal with them. I think the plan is to get several bags of wind with several mages.
Since you started this threat, I have been playing a parallel game with Man and having fun, so thanks for the idea. One thing I have been finding helpful is to closely check the random paths I get on the Magiesters. I managed to get Earth 2 on one guy and Nature 2 on a independent. This allows me to build Earth Boots and Thistle Maces, which then bring a lot of other mages into the picture. Specifically, I then went on a site searching rampage.
Earth brought me a lot of hidden gold mines, which really lifted my income. I think this could help your situation. Nature has brought me lots of gems, but I have yet to determine a good use for them. Air and Astral were already well searched, but I thought I would mention them. Do not neglect this part of your income, as you may have to out strategy your opponent, as well as swamping him with troops. Money and gems will help that plan.
Also, with Earth 3, you can cast several of the good anti armour spells, especially Destruction. It really helps you in killing enemy troops, especially if you get it cast three or four times.