Ive created icons for Dom3, and I create one for each MP game Im in. I just right-click an icon, then paste a copy of it on my desktop, then edit it. Mostly I like switches that speed up my getting in, doing my turn, and getting out. And letting me see what else is going on on my desktop.
Such as, one game Im in on the
www.dom3minions.com server, the icon has these settings...
"C:\Program Files\dominions3\dom3.exe" -fawmcd --tcpclient dom3minions.com --port 9999
The fawmcd means:
f = no fades
a = no animated backgrounds
w = run in windowed mode
m = no music
c = no credits screen at the end
d = turn on debug (most people woudnt be interested in that)
--tcpclient (so it doesnt ask where to go)
--port (so it doesnt ask the port or which game Im in)
Since its so much harder to see the switches list in Windows, a full list of switches is availalble here