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Old May 8th, 2007, 10:51 AM

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Default Ideas neeeded for some Epic Heroes

For those of you who do not mod, or visit the mod forums, I am in the process of making an Epic Heroes Mod for the MA. The goal of the mod is to create a unique epic hero that will replace your scout commander at the start of the game. It is being designed to be played with the Worthy Hero Mod.

I already have 13 Epic Heroes made for these MA races:

1. The Black Phoenix, Abysia
2. The Obsidian Medium, Agartha(added by Endoperez)
3. The Monkey King, Bandar Log(added by Endoperez)
4. The Blood-Cursed Champion, Mictlan
5. Beowulf, Man
6. The Blood Jarl, Jotunheim
7. The Fallen Angel, Pythium(Bandar Lover's idea)
8. The Immortal Assassin, Machaka
9. The Black Duke of Ulm, Ulm(Arralen's Black Steel Ulm Hero, modified a bit).
10. Black Heart Treant, Pangaea
11. The Sacred Yeti, Caelum
12. The Ancient Ophidian, Ctis
13. Hannibal, Arcosephale

A beta version of the mod is available for download on the mod forums if you want to view these heroes. I have been wracking my brain for the ideas for heroes, and some have been suggested or made by others.

But some races I have no ideas for. They are the 3 water races, the new ma race, and Shin. Any help would be appreciated.
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Old May 8th, 2007, 11:23 AM
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Default Re: Ideas neeeded for some Epic Heroes

Do you want stats, or just names and ideas to go with them? What level of detail are you looking for?

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Old May 8th, 2007, 11:52 AM

Xietor Xietor is offline
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Default Re: Ideas neeeded for some Epic Heroes

I will take ideas. And some have gone beyond offering an idea, and provided a description as well. The Endoperez exceeded that by providing 2 complete heroes. We worked a bit on getting them balanced for my mod, but they are Endoperez' creation.

So I am open to and completely appreciative of anything- just the idea or submitting your own fully blown hero. If I like the hero, I may take him "as is." More likely i will have some suggestions about the description and maybe require balance changes be made to him so he is not too overpowered, or underpowered for that matter.
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Old May 8th, 2007, 12:11 PM
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Default Re: Ideas neeeded for some Epic Heroes

R'yleh: The Traitor King. An ancient Basalt King who's betrayal led to the enslavement of large parts of the Atlanean race. Fits with the Traitor Prince's they can recruit, modeled on the EA Basalt Kings (balance appropriately), possibly a large size as I think Atlanteas keep gowning forever(?). He's been promised rulership over all Atlanteans once they are subjugated.
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Old May 8th, 2007, 01:43 PM

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Default Re: Ideas neeeded for some Epic Heroes

Thanks, I will explore it.
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Old May 8th, 2007, 02:01 PM
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Default Re: Ideas neeeded for some Epic Heroes

Cathbad the Druid for Eriu. It's a no brainer

Here is a very short write up on him from wikipedia:

Cathbad (KATH-vath) is the chief druid in the court of Conchobar mac Nessa in the Ulster Cycle of Irish Mythology.

In his younger days he was a warrior, leading a landless band of twenty-seven men. Once he led a raid on the house where the Ulster princess Ness was brought up, killing all twelve of her foster-fathers. Ness sought revenge, becoming a warrior and leading her own band of twenty-seven. However, one day when she went off on her own to bathe in a pool, Cathbad came between her and her weapons and demanded her as his wife. She had no choice but to agree.

Ness had a son, Conchobar mac Nessa, although whether his father was Cathbad or Fachtna Fáthach, the High King of Ireland and Ness's lover, the stories do not agree.

Cathbad had the ability to foretell the future. He was present at the birth of Deirdre and prophesied her tragic fate, but Conchobar ignored him. On another occasion, the young Cúchulainn overheard Cathbad prophesy that anyone who took arms on that day would have everlasting fame but a short life; he immediately ran to Conchobar and asked to be armed.


I would be willing to do the graphics and the stats for this hero if you like
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Old May 8th, 2007, 02:04 PM

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Default Re: Ideas neeeded for some Epic Heroes

2 nits to pick:

1) Why would pythium have a fallen angel? It be more thematic to have a regular angel. Like Michael, perhaps.

2) Hannibal was Carthagian (Phoenician if you want to stretch it), not Greek. If you need a hero for Arco it should be Alexander or Leonidas.
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Old May 8th, 2007, 02:25 PM
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Default Re: Ideas neeeded for some Epic Heroes

I agree with Ironhawk on number 2. LOL I said number 2. Arco is based on Greece, and no one did heroes better than the greeks. It seems odd to have a hero from another culture, even if that culture is heavily greek influenced.

Off the top of my head, I can think of a gazillion choices for Arco heroes, although some may be more EA or LA appropriate depending on where you draw the line for ages in real life Greece. 800 bc - 500 bc EA? 500- 300 MA? 300-100 LA?

I was about to make a list, but FFS, there are so many good choices and most are probably already known to you. Just look at any Greek tragedy for some MA appropriate hero ideas.
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Old May 8th, 2007, 03:02 PM
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Default Re: Ideas neeeded for some Epic Heroes

I think if we're talking Arco heroes, you should be looking at Greek mythology for EA heroes (yep, should be easy).

Then classical historical figures for MA (hmm, how would you render Pericles in Dominions?).

And then post- Alexandrian figures in LA (for example, how about a Ptolemy Kuranos - sp? I'm not sure, but equals Ptolemy Thunderbolt, or something like that, I believe. You can give him some air magic - not very historical, but kind of matches the name ).

99.9% tongue-in-cheek, for Shinuyama, how about the Kappa Commander (or whoever it was who was the main bad guy in Mario Brothers)? Perhaps he could have some kind of special bonuses while fighting against Marignon (the most Italianesque of the Dominion races, dang those Luigi and Mario!).

Somewhat more serious, but non-hero related, while we're talking about Hannibal - has anyone made a racial mod based on Carthage/Phoenicia yet (I don't visit the mod forum much)? I'd say give 'em sailing, elephants, decent light cavalry, perhaps a permanent discount when it comes to hiring mercenaries (is that possible?), and of course blood sacrifice. Maybe something that should be whipped up for EA in the next patch, while I'm wishfully thinking.
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Old May 8th, 2007, 03:22 PM

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Default Re: Ideas neeeded for some Epic Heroes

My understanding is that Arcoscephale *is* Carthage as well as Greece, hence the elephants. Link.

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