August 18th, 2007, 02:50 PM
Join Date: Jul 2007
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do the Dominions II Game FAQ explanation of the repel mechanics still apply for The Awakening as well?
Q. Why is weapon length important?
A. It only affects repel attempts and dual-weapon use (short weapons are easier to dual-wield). Any time a unit strikes another unit, if the defender has a longer weapon (like a Spear - length 4, versus a Dagger - length 0), the defender gets a repel attempt, and the attacker must make a morale save. If he fails the morale save (50% chance at morale 10), he will not attack. Also, even if he does attack, he may be hit by the longer weapon while attacking, though repel damage is capped at 1 ... so the attacker won't be hurt badly unless the weapon is poisoned or in some way has an additional effect.
Q. What affects repel attempts?
A. The success or failure of a repel is determined by the attacker's morale and defense, and the defender's attack. If all these values are 10, there is a 25% chance of a successful repel (neither side is damaged). Not that weapon's specific length does not affect repel success rate, or morale saves; all that matters is that the defender's weapon is longer, not how much longer.
i have spoken