Forget Vista, it sucks, come back on XP!
If I wanted a GOOD operating system, I'd go back to W2K.
If I wanted a GREAT operating system, I'd install Gentoo (or *insertyourfavoritedistrotoavoidanyupcomingflamewa rs*).
But that's not really the point...
It's brand new machine, configured with Vista in mind. So, no, I'm not paying MS for XP, just to be able to play SE5 (the only game that had serious problems so far).
I have a Dell laptop running Linux, so I wouldn't exactly call myself a MS fan. Still, I'm a SW developer, I need to see at least if my code works on Vista, or what generally goes on on the OS front.
And, frankly, so far, I'm positively surprised by Vista (Premium - anything less is, indeed, ME II). My expectations HAVE been quite low, however.

Especially concerning games, aside from an odd glitch with WinSPMBT which was fixed by a driver update, NO problems or bugs at all. Also, Visual Studio.NET (and Eclipse, for that matter) runs and compiles like a beast, so all around, Vista does it's job.
Back to the point...
In my original thread, someone mentioned that this bug was in fact an old bug that somehow reappeared. That's why I asked if it may have been 'silently' fixed?