AI, defense and super heroes
I tried a game with some super heroes for the first time and it seemed a bit too successfull to me. I only lost one hero sometime because it got horror marked, but I'm pretty sure it was my own fault because I used a certain blood item which I probably never use again. Is it possible that the AI can't handle such heroe? I don't want to play autowin strategies, therefore if they can't handle it I'll try other strategies. (Although that would be really annoying...)
On the other side I had the impression that the AI seemed to get enourmous amounts of troops form nowhere. I guess the AI cheats a lot, doesn't it? I think I was playing on difficulty level beyond normal. Is there any information about what boni the AI gets on certain difficulty levels?
Anyway, the AI seemed to be very successfull in conquering back my provinces. I'm not sure what defense level I should take to avoid that. I tried values between 20 and 25 but it seemed to cripple my economy more than his.