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Old April 25th, 2002, 07:23 AM
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Default Multi Star Real Map, NEED HELP

I want to create at unique map, if it has not already been done, that has multiple stars in one sector, and with each of these stars, several planets.

In other words, Each star would be its own solor system with several solor systems to one sector.

Look at my Map for a better idea.

The problem I am having is getting the Stars to show up instead of the planets in the sector view.

Any help would be appreciated.

What I want to do is make a real map, with 20 sectors, with up to 10 solor systems in each sector, and up too 12 planets in each solor system. So instead of a sector with up to 10 planets, the sector could have something on the order of 240 planets.

Then I was going to mod the Engines to slow them down to 1 move per turn to super fast engines at 4 moves per turn to hyperspace engines with 8 to 10 per turn.
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Old April 25th, 2002, 07:31 AM
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Default Re: Multi Star Real Map, NEED HELP

Maybe it's because of the name?

SE4 arranges Stellar bodies, Alphabetically, then to ships, alphabetically, then everything else in the same square, I believe.
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Old April 26th, 2002, 01:01 AM
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Default Re: Multi Star Real Map, NEED HELP

Three things

1) The image that appears on the system map is the Last object listed in the sector.

2) The names mostly determine the order they will appear in when a game is created. You can get the star to appear Last, and thus the star to appear, if you use, for example, and underscore character (as if underlined), like "_Coruscant Star_".

3) Unfortunately, both those are not true when a homeworld is generated - it automatically gets made the Last object in a sector, and thus gets displayed. So, the homeworlds are pretty much stuck as appearing as the symbol in their sector, AFAIK.

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Old April 26th, 2002, 01:19 AM

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Default Re: Multi Star Real Map, NEED HELP

I tried doing this once with standard SE4 having the game randomly generate them with, I think 5 or 6 stars each system with 8 or 9 planets each. I got range check errors.

Maybe it works differently for the map editor or SE4 gold. Let me know how it turns out. I just lived with whatever it wanted to show on top.
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Old April 26th, 2002, 05:27 PM
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Default Re: Multi Star Real Map, NEED HELP

What if you assign homeworlds instead of letting the game generate them? Will they still be on top.

Also, what about storms. Can a homeworld be displayed on top of a storm?
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Old April 26th, 2002, 07:04 PM
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Default Re: Multi Star Real Map, NEED HELP

Your movement scheme ... won't that make combat extremely lopsided?

Which brings up an idea: I think it would be awesome if there were two separate classes of engines/movement, the first for strategic movement (hyperspace) and the second for combat movement (impulse). Would deepen the game immensely. Just a few "for instances": you could prevent fighters from having hyperspace engines (or make it costly in weight or research); you could prevent freighters and colonizers from having more than 1 impulse engine; you could let dreadnoughts have fast hyperspace but slow impulse; space stations could be allowed one combat movement but no strategic movement; etc., etc., etc. You'd have to decide if you wanted to research hyperspace to get strategic speed or impulse to get combat speed. You could make ships that were truly defensive ships by leaving out the hyperspace engines and stocking up on weapons instead. Minefield clearers might have no impulse engines and extra armor or minesweeping.

Has anyone suggested this before? It is NOT moddable at present, is it?

I'm going to post this in its own thread.
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Old April 26th, 2002, 08:56 PM
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Default Re: Multi Star Real Map, NEED HELP

dmm, that's entirely possible. Just use the Combat Movement ability.

Spoo, the specified homeworlds show up on top of everything else. I would expect this to include storms, unless the storm actually concealed the planet from view.

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Old April 26th, 2002, 09:37 PM

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Default Re: Multi Star Real Map, NEED HELP

"dmm, that's entirely possible. Just use the Combat Movement ability"

IIRC combat movement does NOT stack.. and strategic move will always give you a certain amount of combat move.


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Old April 27th, 2002, 08:32 AM
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Default Re: Multi Star Real Map, NEED HELP

Hmm, ok. Well you could make a mod where you didn't buy multiple engines, but you bought different sizes of engine, and the max number of engines per ship was always one.

Another idea, which I suggested many months ago when someone was wanting to mod this sort of thing, was that if you have say a "damage control" or "engineering department" component that isn't very big (fits easily on ships) and repaire one component per turn, then you can use emergengy movement components to achieve this - repairing them each turn for strategic movement. One snag with this, though, is that you still can't use such components if your ships are in a fleet in simultaneous movement mode. Sigh...

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Old April 27th, 2002, 09:03 AM

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Default Re: Multi Star Real Map, NEED HELP

"Hmm, ok. Well you could make a mod where you didn't buy multiple engines, but you bought different sizes of engine, and the max number of engines per ship was always one."

In that situation the abilities might actually stack. different abilities. The only solution would be to make them all the same family, then put some items of a different family between each one. The strategic engines, perhaps.


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