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Old June 28th, 2008, 05:37 PM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!

Many thanks for keeping an eye on the turn timer for me Ubercat. Two big thumbs up for doing that :-)

Hopefully I won't actually need the delay to be more than a few hours, as I should be able to get my turn in by Monday 10am GMT at the latest.
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Old June 30th, 2008, 02:01 PM
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Default Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!

Hail, fellow Lords and Ladies. I've one request, lets start the storytelling. In this fashion our exploits will heard thru-out the Multiverse. Lord Chill
Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
Oscar Wilde

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Socrates used to say, the best form of government was that in which the people obeyed their rulers, and the rulers obeyed the laws.
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Old June 30th, 2008, 03:28 PM

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Default Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!

Tales from the lands of Fomoria are sparse and scattered in these early days.

Many continue to long for a return to their watery homes of old, but life above ground isn't proving as unsavoury as most feared.

There is a story spreading around the towns of first contact being made with a nation of very tiny people. The increasing number of giants in the land are still amazed that such small beings can exist in the world. But word is that the Fomorian ambassadors will treat their small visitors with respect while they consider their diplomatic options.

One other snippet of news worth reporting from Fomorian lands is of a growing unease being felt by the followers of Enfys Dewin towards their knowledge hungry ice cousins from Niefelheim. Many can be heard saying the oft repeated maxim that too much knowledge possessed by one is a danger to all.

The world currently seems to be quiet. How long will it remain so?
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Old July 1st, 2008, 01:31 AM
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Default Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!

(sorry guys, I've been on the road and a lot of screwy stuff has been happening with my internet connection, between Starbucks, hotels and random other-peoples' networks . . . so I sent my turn this morning, but it didn't go through. Sorry for the delay!)
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Old July 1st, 2008, 04:54 AM
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Default Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!

Art, the Prophet of Lord Chill has spread the word of enlightenmnt to many. it has spread like the wind, theres hope coming, we will share the true way with many others. it will cost about $35 us dollars to find the way of truth... Lord Chill. Bwahahahaha, oops sorry,
Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
Oscar Wilde

He who laughs last didn't get the joke.

Alcohol and calculus don't mix. Never drink and derive.

Socrates used to say, the best form of government was that in which the people obeyed their rulers, and the rulers obeyed the laws.
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Old July 3rd, 2008, 09:36 AM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!

Let it be known that the giants of Fomoria are now at war with the small and foolish inhabitants of Marverni.

Brief diplomatic negotiations between the two nations broke down after Marverni issued sudden demands, which were accompanied with an un-provoked attack on an undefended Fomorian province.

The Fomorian giants are sad that once again in their history, they are forced to fight off small creatures who try to claim their lands. Are we never destined to find a place to be at peace in this world?
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Old July 3rd, 2008, 04:47 PM
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Default Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!

Ahhhh, How views differ when when armies march to your door and then want to postpone negotiations of peace until "The Fall" when They would be better prepared.

While we are of course small, Bare Chested, and lightly armed. But we are not without Dignity, Courage, and Honor.

We accept the challenge and will fight to the last man, the last woman, and after that the last child.

Peace is only a word My Lords, Actions are the stuff of Legends!!

Better to die fighting in the Sunlight than hiding in the Dark.
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Old July 4th, 2008, 01:32 AM
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Default Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!

Hmm, We dislike the idea of the marverni being oppressed. we are considering sending some peace keepers to the source of this combat. stealth troops of course. I ask that a little reason be used at this time. the slaughter of the marverni children fills me with loathing. whats next, sacrficing their little girls on altars? We think not! So in closing We say this shall not stand! Cease your war of aggresion, go find some indie's to oppress. Lord Chill
Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
Oscar Wilde

He who laughs last didn't get the joke.

Alcohol and calculus don't mix. Never drink and derive.

Socrates used to say, the best form of government was that in which the people obeyed their rulers, and the rulers obeyed the laws.
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Old July 4th, 2008, 03:29 AM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!

Oh mighty Lord Chill

Many Fomorians speak highly of your fine race, indeed most of the Fir Bolg's in our society have close relatives from the great nation of Tir'Na Nog. So any worsening of relations between our two nations will certainly cause much unrest throughout all of Fomoria.

But please understand that Fomoria did not start the war against Marverni, and it is certainly not Fomoria's war of aggression. The subjects of my land simply demand action and justice for an unwarranted attack by Marverni. In the first month of fall, a large mass of flesh bearing warriors simply marched over the river, completely out of the blue, and attempted to force their will on the innocents of Fomoria.

So please tell what other course of action do I now posses other than to retaliate? The Marverni attack was no accident. It was not a mis-understanding. It was an attack of pure aggression on their part, and also an act of war.

The people of my land will never accept a simply apology, and neither can mercy be shown to such an un-warranted attack by Marverni. Fomoria surely has the right to defend itself against a hostile neighbour does it not?

Please do not paint Fomoria with the brush of tyrant in this conflict. Every ruler who cares about the safety and well being of his people would do no different to what I have done. Can any leader truly lead if he is unwilling to act against attacks to his realm? Can a leader lead if he does nothing but sit idle while his lands are ravaged and his people slaughtered? I am sure you will agree that he can not on both counts.

Calahan, Lord of the Fomorian Death Giants
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Old July 5th, 2008, 03:55 AM
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Default Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!

This is kind of starting to frustrate me. I sent in a turn 28 hours ago, come back to play again, and I've gotten a stale turn! It was probably foolish to be signed up for three games while I was going to be taking a road trip, true, but I'm coming online to play every 24 hours, give or take a few . . .

Could we please change the hosting interval to 36 hours or something? Stale turns at this point in the game HURT!
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