Originally Posted by alansmithee
I would never go drain with Ermor. I think Magic 3 is vital. I find keeping up with research to be one of the biggest problems for Ermor, because it's usually easier to get up the gold for castles/labs and buy mages than it is to get the gems to pop more out. To get two dusk elders a turn, you need 40 (unless you got a conj site for a discount). And that's also spending your gems on nothing but your two mages.
magic3 is also -2 MR in dominion. (drain2 is +1 MR) thats a 3MR gap for my chaff, in my dominion. I cant imaginate how to win any battle with such a low MR.
my idea was to get skull mentors asap to 'erase' the -1rp / turn.
Look : whatever magic scale I take I will be very limited in mage number. the +/- 1 research from magic scales as a huge impact when one got lots of mages, but a limited one when you got only few of them.
I may be totaly wrong, again, but in my mind taking this limited negative impact and getting the design point + MR bonus is a good deal.
a dusk elder is 6 base research isnt it ?
it cost 20 gems for dusk elder + 3 gems with hammer for skull mentor == 23 gems
magic3 (-120 pts) 8, with reseach skull 17 -> 1.35 gems / rp
magic1 (-40 pts) 7, with reseach skull 16 -> 1.43 gems / rp
magic0 (0 pts) 6, with reseach skull 15 -> 1.53 gems / rp
drain2 (+80 pts) 5, with reseach skull 14 -> 1.64 gems / rp
drain3 (+120 pts) 4, with reseach skull 13 -> 1.76 gems / rp
a spectator is 3 base research isnt it ?
it cost 12 gems for a spectator + 3 gems with hammer for skull mentor == 15 gems
magic3 (-120 pts) 5, with reseach skull 14 -> 1.07 gems / rp
magic1 (-40 pts) 4, with reseach skull 13 -> 1.15 gems / rp
magic0 (0 pts) 3, with reseach skull 12 -> 1.25 gems / rp
drain2 (+80 pts) 2, with reseach skull 11 -> 1.36 gems / rp
drain3 (+120 pts) 1, with reseach skull 10 -> 1.5 gems / rp
so with drain 2 if I use spectators equiped with mentor skull early on for research I still got quite a good gems / rp conversion.
edit another note :
the base conversion rate is better for duskelder (20 gems, 5 research -> 4 gem / rp) rather than spectators (12 gems, 2 reseach -> 6 gem / rp). So I would summon mainly duskelder until I reach const4.