Originally Posted by Dragar
Ok, so you're advocating advancing the conjuration path rather than enchantment, going for wights/umbrals rather than the statues. Compeltely different strategy, interesting. I'm not sure what strengths of agartha you are utilising there though? wights/umbrals aren't anything special, golem cult dominion and darkvision are pretty much all agartha has going for it that I'm aware of
Umbrals are probably the *best* thing agartha has going for it. Better in ea than ma.. but still
I don't have dominions on this computer, however... as I recall they are a pathetically simple summon 1E1D? And cheap.
This is one of the reasons I think add N4 on your pretender is preferable to blood. Site searching, GOH, Gift of Reason. Poison alternatives, (which also work underwater).
Now they are perfectly valid as troops - but if you do GoR them they are great thug chassis..
68 Hpish, ethereal, magic weapons, full slots as I recall.