Hi everybody, guess who's back?
(ok, that sucked, but i had to)
In few days I will have to transfer to another town 'cause i have to go to university and be a good Student.
I was looking on some of my old pc's file when i found my old dominions mod and i decided to finish it.
This new version (0.4b) has a new pretender:
general practitioner Strandj
i almost finished it what i need are some suggestion for ability
Sthefen Strayndj
#newmonster 2292
#spr1 "./lord/Cthulhu_1.tga"
#spr2 "./lord/Cthulhu_2.tga"
#name "Doc. Strayndj"
#descr "Once Protector of this astral plane, the use of black become addictive, until a breaking point was reached. Now the doctor has left his position of sorcerer supreme to became a god"
#hp 30
#size 3
#prot 5
#mor 15
#mr 50
#enc 2
#str 10
#att 10
#def 15
#prec 15
#mapmove 3
#itemslots 15488
#maxage 120
#startage 33
#pathcost 0
#magicskill 4 5
#regeneration 5
#patrolbonus 5
What else can i add?(oh, ofc i accepted suggestion about everything, keep in mind this is just an unit/spell package, nothing more)
(a good description is also wanted, i just suck at that kind o' stuff)

(do not pay attention to sprite, they are place holder)