Hi Everyone, i am trying to get a new MA Game Started
It would be hosted on llamaserver
Age: Middle Age
Game Settings: Everything standard, except HoF 15 and renaming on
Map: Orania
CBM 1.6
Players: as much as possible
Pace: first ~24 turns on 24h quickhost, then 48h quickhost until at least turn 50, after that extension to 72h by majority vote.
If you join this game, it is expected that you play it to the end, or that you find a sub that takes over for you.
Also i wont allow a single water nation in the game, you can still join in but you only can play when another player also chooses a water nation.
Abysia: welltimat
Agartha: Penguin Zero
Arcoscephale: Cicero
Ashdod: ghoul31
Bandar Log: Grijalva
Caelum: Digress
C'tis: Hadrian-II
Eriu: WaterHazard
Ermor: Graeme Dice
Jotunheim: danbo
Machaka: Jarkko
Marignon: Silence0
Mictlan: Hoplosternum
Pangaea: michai
Pythium: Strabo
R'lyeh: militarist
Shinuyama: Alpine Joe
T'ien Ch'i: seryozha
Vanheim: zegc-ben