It was a quiet day at work, so I decided to vandalise some poetry. The results are below.
Choose Order. Choose Misfortune. Choose a Pretender. Choose his paths. Choose a high Dominion score, Choose Nature, Death, a splash of Astral, and a honking great Water bless. Choose good Growth, low Magic and Sloth 3. Choose thug-based early expansion. Choose a NAP-3. Choose your victims. Choose to research Alt-3 for the good buffs. Choose to ally against the game leader to ensure your long-term objectives. Choose to spam Falling Fires against Abysia, then wonder why. Choose sitting in front of your computer watching endless battle replays, trying to plan a battle with your SC pretender. Choose your inevitable conquest by a rival who out-researched you and had a gem advantage over you since the start of the game, slowly chewing you up province by province while your erstwhile allies turn upon you in their desperation not to be the next one swallowed up. Choose your future. Choose Dominions 3... But why would I want to do a thing like that?
(apologies to John Hodge).
If you think you could do better, then prove it