We are looking for a sub for Abysia for the game PowerBeyondComprehension. Abby was doing OK, but has staled three in a row and is in danger of death spiralling. It looks to still be salvageable however, so there should be quite a fun game here if you are looking for a fixer upper opportunity.
From the charts, your status is roughly as follows:
Provinces: in the middle of the pack
Forts: two forts, puts you towards the bottom - currently sieging a third fort (and have breached the walls) so maybe you are almost at three?
Income: bottom of the middle
Gem Income: third from the bottom - appears to have done very little site searching
Research: bottom of the middle
Dominion: third from bottom, trending down.
Army size: second smallest, and it looks like you got smacked recently
Diplomatically, I believe Abby is allied with Agartha (at the least, at peace with them) and she has a NAP with Ermor. She is fighting Yomi at present - but then again, so is half the board (to their detriment I suspect! Yomi is proving to be extremely fiesty).
The game thread can be found
here. Let me know if you are game for the challenge :-)