The future chances of Dom3 as portable gaming comes up a lot. And gaming from work in general gets dicussed a lot. Something I notice often in IRC are comments such as "when I get home and check my turn". They are able to IRC with their phone, but not check their turns.
Could we get a text output of the players messages?
-- msgs
I can see many uses. The first being that making those accessible for webviewing by the player would provide a nice feature so that they can comment in IRC on their turns, and plan their next strategy at work (disclaimer: not responsible for firings). Also the server could roll them numerically as I do the scoreboards and stats
so that players could keep track of previous messages sent (another common request).
Or include it with emails of turn notifications which would do both. Allow seeing results at work, and provide backups of in-game messaging.
Maybe even have a fatherland.msg file for all messages that go out globally.