So how do I intercept enemy fleets?
Since the "Replay Combat" option has been put in (thanks a lot, Malfador!) simultaneous turn games make much more sense now.
Still I cannot figure out how to intercept an enemy fleet in deep space. Here's what the manual says:
<start quote>
Keep in mind that all movement is Simultaneous. This means that your ships will move at the same time as enemy ships. This is fundamentally different than a Turn-Based game. In a Turn-Based game, the enemy could not run away while you were moving your ships. You need to plan your strategy around the fact that they may move somewhere else when you are moving towards them.
To help with this, the Attack Order changes slightly in a Simultaneous game. When you give the attack order, your ship will seek after its target during movement. It will change course as needed to that the target does not get away. This is much better than a Move To in that this takes into account a moving target, while Move To will just send you to a location.
<end quote>
I tried giving a ship/fleet the order to attack, and... it just sits there and does nothing!! (the "view orders" button correctly shows "seek after <enemy ship>", but...)?
Has anyone played sim. turns? Has anyone made this option work? (I can't believe it's just plain broken like this!) What's the trick, guys?
Thanks -- Aub
[This message has been edited by Aub (edited 23 January 2001).]