A Few Good Worlds
Status: Game open to new players
Mar 5, 2003 10:54:36 PM CST: Here is a trial Version of the mod we will be using:
http://www.pbw.cc/Download/filelib/730/GuysMod184a.zip (commanderg)
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Game description
This game will use a 1.84 Version of Commander-G's mod:
Starting resources: 5000
Starting planets: 1
Home planet value: Good
Score display: Own
Technology level: Low
Racial points: 2000
Quadrant type: Spiral Arm
Quadrant size: Large
Event frequency: Medium
Event severity: Medium
Technology cost: Medium (8 players or less), otherwise High
Victory conditions: Last one standing. However, a pair of players may win together if they declare themselves a team up front, otherwise it is a solo victory.
Maximum units: 10,000
Maximum ships: 2,000
Computer players: None
Computer difficulty: Low
Computer player bonus: None
Neutral empires: No
Other game settings:
1) We will use a 1.84 Version of my mod. It will be ready shortly. I will describe the mod a bit in the game forum before it is uploaded to the library.
2) Every player must design a 'Rock' race that breathes either Carbon Dioxide or Oxygen.
3) No Mines or Intelligence in the Game.
4) Ancient Race trait is available.
Game information
Owner: Commander-G
Turn number: Not Started
Players/max: 10/16
Last turn:
Next turn:
Turn duration: 50 hours
Turn automation: Fully automatic turns (key)
SE4 Version: v1.78 + Commander G's Mod