Hi to everyone whos visited my site, I'm glad you do.
So far, I've not really had an aim with my site, other than to host ship sets which I think are worth downloading so you can play with them.
I think I'll make an appology for not ever visiting this message board since yesterday, and I've only just read the other post. (Shipsets from UniveralShipyards. . .)
But now I intend to clarify (I hope) a few things.
My rating system was brought around the other week because my 'complete' Se4 page was getting out of hand, and basically too large.
I grabbed a piece of paper, and wrote down a lsit of all the shipsets I had, and wrote down what I knew to be in them.
I didn't want to comment on their actually style of shipset, I could only comment on their content fairly.
The end rating system -'Gold', 'Silver', 'Bronze' and 'Not rated' is not entirely brilliant, as it doesn't comment on the quality of the AI scripts.
I do thing the EA shipset has the 'best' AI, but my silly rating system let it down to a silver because it didn't have EMP files, or a speech file.
In many respects the Silver Shipsets are as good as or better than the Gold ones.
Bronze are onyl worth downloading if your goign to play as/with the shipset you use, because your empire will end up fighting AI who all have Wave Motion Guns (In my experience).
::I wish I'd read that other post sooner::
Oh yeah, and if any one has a better idea to my rating system, please please, e-mail me! I want to provide some sort of service that'd be useful to you, and I can't be the one to trial and error ideas for you if you are going to 'complain'.
Happy Gaming,
John Beech
manager of universal shipyards