March 17th, 2003, 10:24 PM
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Re: OT Farscape Best Scifi Series Ever?
Originally posted by ZeroAdunn:
Ok, to all those people who said Star Trek The Original Series:
What are you thinking??? I used to watch it when I was younger, but now it is like watching GIjoe, it is just impossible to take it seriously. Most of the Acting was terrible, the plots were often rediculous and poorly thought out...
actually the stories were fairly well thought out. most of them had a "moral of the story" aspect to them. i disagreed with some of them, but the were there. i am not overly concerned about acting unless it is truly horrible. in most series i have watched the 1st season is horribly acted, at least when they reshow it, as the people have not gotten into their characters yet. st:tng is a good example of this. (at least the first few episodes of it anyway)
edit: i guess my sights are not set that high, i would prefer a series with reasonable plot, not horrible acting, some originality, a bit of glitz every once in a while. i have seen series (not necessarily sci-fi) that have 2-3 of these and lack in the others and i lose interest in them quickly. guess it is kind of bad when i would settle for good instead of excellent.
[ March 17, 2003, 20:30: Message edited by: desdinova ]
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