One Last minute spot open in the PBW Open tournament
Got a player that has decided he can't handle the tournament afterall. A couple ways I can handle this. I can mark his spot dead for this game and eliminate him fom the tourney. THat will cause me some complications however for what I had planned on doing in the second round.
Is there anyone that would like to take a crack at taking over for him? You wouldn't just be taking his spot in thsi game, but his spot in the tourney. I don't know what condition his race is in this game. It's 35 turns in, and he has missed a couple turns. The tourney is a double elim so even if this game is too far gone to rescue you won't be out of the tourney completley. You'll get his spot for round two and get to play that game from the begining, including setting your empire however you like.
Anyone interested?
I used to be somebody but now I am somebody else
Who I'll be tomorrow is anybody's guess