Re: SE4 Rating System
Multiplayer game Ratings. Take the first looser and match them to the top winner, calculate rating for those two. Take the second person out and "team" him with the second place winner and caculate them to find a rating adjustment. If there are an odd number of players, the exact middle gets no change in score. This would make all multiplayer games equivalent to single player matches. (I think) It would be possible for the second place player to get more points than the first place player (Like if the first guy eliminated was really low rated, but the next guy out was a high rated player) But this sounds like it could still be fair and in the spirit of chess. What do you all think?
[ September 04, 2003, 19:11: Message edited by: Parasite ]
I thought of the sun as a big bright ball of something that produced an intense absence of darkness. Alan Dean Foster No More Crystal Tears