August 18th, 2003, 02:13 AM
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Re: OT - Scientific proof that there is no afterlife!
[quote]Originally posted by Imperator Fyron:
What others? Please bring me some pictures from these other dimensions of yours. There is no proof of the existence of other dimensions, only a plethora of hypothesis (no theories, as there is no proof or concrete evidence of them).
Keeping in mind that you did not want theory:
Never heard of the Kaluza-Klein theory or n-dimentional space? Well, very briefly - mathematically n-dimentional space is not only possible but required to make the physical, mathematical constructs science has developed to describe our universe work with every other mathematical construct science has created to help describe our universe. The big bang itself makes complete sense mathematically when using n-dimensional space mathematics. It seems to be the glue that binds it all together.
So there IS some support. It is just unfortunate that the actual "picture" your looking for would require the energies of the entire universe to take. Well, mathematics can pretty much say what you want it to say if you mess with it enough.
So it is still anyone's guess whether there is higher dimensions other than the 3 spacial and 1 temporal that we are used to. While we keep this in mind we still cannot avoid the simple fact that in the grand scope of the universe we don't know a whole lot of anything as it is and anything we know can still be overthrown by a single discovery.

[ August 18, 2003, 01:15: Message edited by: Tigbit ]