I'm weighing my options with PBC. On the one hand, I enjoy the job and the game. On the other, I am rapidly running out of free time. I look back now at the push for a four- or five-day turn time, and I wish I had pushed for four or five weeks.
In short, I am debating whether I need to surrender my MoF position. I have been keeping up with the game as much as possible; I just haven't been able to do all the time-intensive data entry and calculations. Maybe it's time for someone with a little more free-handed fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants approach to take over.
I definitely want to keep my Necropolis post, although it might become a little dangerous with this upcoming war.
The Unpronounceable Krsqk
"Well, sir, at the moment my left processor doesn't know what my right is doing." -