February 27th, 2004, 02:06 AM
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Re: Rated Challenges Thread
Originally posted by Slynky:
Either way you want to go, Baron. Tesco map or generated by you. This will be a 1.91 game, I think, so...not sure if the map matters if starting points will be adjusted as below.
"1 GOOD starting homeworld;
FULL tech;
Medium-sized galaxy (around 100 systems);
No intel;
No events;
No warp openers or closers (gentleman's agreement);
Both members of a team take same atmosphere;
Map and starting points using one of Tesco's new maps and starting points set by Tesco (starting points to be beside each team member...2 here and 2 over there...hehe);
No Talisman (Religious);
ZERO racial points;
48 hour turn around time...set on automatic till such time as a player asks for an "intermission".
I've taken a look at the Tesco map, and have also created a standard 'Mid-life' (99 systems, 833 planets) map and added the starting points to both.
Let me know which one you prefer, and once I receive the empire files, I'll finish setting it up.
[ February 27, 2004, 00:11: Message edited by: Baron Grazic ]