Ground Combat - anyone use it?
I've owned the game since december and out of all that time, I've never used ground combat. I've never even seen the AI use it for that matter.
We should start a list here on suggestions to make ground combat better. I'll start it off.
1) I think only planetary weapons and certain normal weapons should affect the population. Killing millions of people with DUC's and ship missles is just well....silly. That way, you would be forced to either bring bombers to planets.
My guess is that we would need another attack type for weapons - population. I think they would have to split it this way so you can attack weapons platforms by using the "planet" attack type weapons.
So bombs would be attack type Planet / Population. While DUC's maybe would not be able to attack either, but maybe missles would only attack Planet but not population.
You see where I'm going anyway.