Counter Intel Bug
If you look at the counter intel projects of an AI empire or you activate the intel minister of an empire under human control, you will see that all counter intel projects are targeted against an empire. You can't do that yourself, because if you choose a counter intel project no choice of target empire is given. Only the AI or the AI minister can do that!
So far I considered this only a curiosity without importance because the counter intel projects seemed to work against all attacks even if they come from another empire than the target empire.
Now what happens if an counter intel project is finished?
As you know usually nothing, you just loose the points of this project. However the targeted counter intel projects of the AI deplete the counter intel projects of the targeted empire as any offensive intel project would do it!!! The targeted empire will get an notice that an attack has been stopped (if the targeted empire had enough counter intel points accumulated) or it will just loose all accumulated counter intel points without notice (if the "attacking" targeted intel project had more points).
Although no further damage is done, IMO this is a bug that the AI can deplete your intel defenses by using these targeted counter intel projects.