Strategy Modding
Is it possible to mod strategies? My main point is the "Maximal Weapons Range" strategy. I want my long range ships to fire and then run away until they reload, as opposed to the standard "Fire at maximum range and then charge into death with unloaded weapons" (Maximal weapon range/Point Blank.)
The trouble is that nothing I do OUT of the game seems to change the strategy. I have tried creating a race specific file (e.g. terrain_AI_strategy), modifying the default AI file (in the AI directory) and changing the default strategy file, (in the Data directory) but nothing is working. So....
1) is it possible, and if so, how?
2) What use is the defaultstrategy file in the Data directory?
By the way, if it makes a difference, these changes have been applied to my mod folder, which is a subfolder of my SEIV folder.
Bwah ha ha!