be nice if...
it'd be rather nice to have a ship type (say, a small escort) dedicated to the exploration minister. as it stands, if ye enable him, and the 'set new ships' thing is on (which it usually is - for all of about three ship types), ye can often find your brand new cruiser design happily wandering off into the unexplored reaches of space.
i find the exploration minister is extremel handy in the early stages of the game, but that particular trait is more than a little annoying.
transports also have an annoying habit. they like to cluster together, so that ye have de facto 'fleets' of population transports delivering people to planets. fine, if the planet is freshly settled, and large enough - but when 9 medium transports with highest-level pop containers turn up at a tiny world that could only hold *one* even if the planet were empty... and, yes, this *has* happened to me.
Just think of it as Evolution in action - [i]'Oath of Fealty</I]', by Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle.