My thanks for your consideration, Mortifer!
Anyway, I'm 33 years of age, live in Sweden and have been into comps (both when it comes to gaming and programming) since I was 12 years old - hmm, that's 21 years ago *shudder* I was introduced to paper and pen role-playing games a year later or so and has since been both player and game master in several different systems (D&D, Call of Cthulhu and Rolemaster to mention a few, although only the latter has received any serious attention from my part during the Last 10 years or so). My interest in strategy games probably began around that time as well, although one of the first strategy games I actually remember playing extensively was probably Empire.
In more recent years, I wasted a whole lot of time on MUDs during a couple of years. I have also been a fairly active member of the Unreal community (I used the handle Bane there, though) and spent a considerable amount of time developing mods for that game (and perhaps even still more chatting with people about
how to develop mods). Although I have left that scene, the interest for modding has remained and I seem to be unable to leave games that I like alone - Earth 2150, Blitzkrieg, Rise of Nations, Diablo 2, and several others have all been my hapless victims.
The explanation is probably simple - modding combines two of my greatest interests when comps are concerned, namely gaming and programming. Even though not all modding involves writing actual programs, the creative process often has similarities.
Apart from computers, I am interested in history, mythology/religion/etc and fantasy in all forms (talking about dragons and stuff here, not necessarily other kinds of fantasies

) I also practice chinese martial arts regularly, which I guess is a nice break from the comp, which otherwise occupy most of my spare time.
Hmm, this turned out to become a bit longer than planned, so ta-ta..