A quick question about Man
So in Dom I Man is infamous for having a record number of troops only buildable in their home province - daughter, mother, and crone of Avalon, as well as Knights of Avalon, Wardens, and Lord Wardens - a total of 6, including all the nation's mages! This is way more than any other nation (at least in Dom I).
So this is my question: Is this the same in Dom II? Or can you recruit some of these units outside the home province? Or are other nations also having to build more units in home province only (to make it more even)?
Honestly I'd probably settle for Knights of Avalon alone being able to be built anywhere. It makes sense (though it is a pain) that the witches are centred in the home province, since their magical power comes from the secret Forest of Avalon. And it kinda makes sense to have Wardens built there, since they are described as protecting the crones, and are sacred. But as it is you can't build wardens and knights of Avalon to any significant degree, which kinda sucks. Also as has been pointed out many times, having all your mages recruitable only in your home province is a real handicap.