Questions about National Heroes
I have a couple of questions about national heroes - you know the guys who randomly show up at your castle and volunteer to help out:
1. Are there any new national heroes in Dom II, or are they exactly the same as in Dom I?
2. Do you get the same heroes no matter what theme you're playing, or are there theme-specific heroes?
3. Do you need a positive luck scale to have national heroes offer their services? If so, does it make a difference how far the scale is tipped - i.e. are you just as likely to get a national hero with luck +1 as with luck +3?
With regard to the latter, I've read people saying that in Dom I you need to have a positive luck scale in order to get your heroes, but I didn't find this to be true. In fact I found my national heroes showing up just as often with luck 0 as with luck +3. How is it in Dom II?
[ October 03, 2003, 04:42: Message edited by: st.patrik ]