Re: Demo is out
Psitticine, yep I tried turning off the sound and it didn't affect the benchmark speed.
Saber Cherry, benchmark is a button available from the Options/Graphics/Battle Detail menu - press it and wait a few seconds for the FPS measurement to appear.
Phoenix-D, my system has a Sound BLaster Live Value sound card, a joystick, a printer/scanner, and a network card. Laser mouse. 256MB DDR system RAM. 1637 MB page file, mostly not used. I shut down practically every process besides the game before running. Windows reports 92-94% resources free. Runs practically all graphics pig games quite well. The machine isn't busy doing anything else - it's just taking forever to render these graphics, as if it is using a lame driver and/or not using 3D acceleration properly, or something. I notice too that the graphics of the magic swords and spears are "wiggly" - off every six pixels or so - does it look that way on your system?
[ October 30, 2003, 02:48: Message edited by: PvK ]