Re: Impartial MASTER LIST of issues/problems
For my part, there's a series of changes to the UI I'd like to see:
1. Close the battle-view with "Esc" in addition to "q"
2. An option to turn off the "zoom into the province" animation before a battle.
3. Exit buttons placed below scroll-lists, rather than as the Last element on the scroll-list, so we don't have to scroll to the end of the list to press it.
4. Being able to change the sub-screen / report you've opened without going back to the main map view, and then returning to the main view by pressing a single "Esc". I.e. I want to be able to press "r" to open the recruit screen, then "t" to go to directly to the army setup-screen, then "F1" to get to the province overview report and then a single press on "Esc" to return to the main map. (As it is today I have to first press "r", then "esc", then "t", then "F1" and finally a Last "Esc")
5. Be able to scroll through the options in a list with the arrow-keys - both for ordinary lists (such as the list of commands you get for a commander when your press "space") and scroll-lists. Also to be able to use PgUp/PgDown to scroll in scroll-lists.
6. All options in lists should be selectable through the keyboard. This goes for the command-list, the list of Messages to read, the "which nation to play / host game / cancel" list between turns and so on. Preferably both by hot-keys (which ought to be shown in the list) and by selecting with the arrow-keys and space/return.
7. A key to select the next province I control (or a pair of next-province / Last-province keys to cycle through them with)
8. The borders between provinces you control and provinces you don't control, ought to be another colour than the other borders.
9. A key to select the next commander in the currently selecty province. If the commander is part of an army-group, select the whole army-group.
10. A key to select the next province bordering to the start province (the province you had selected when you first started pressing this hot-key.) So, if you have a province Centre and you press this key, you'd select province North. Press it again and you'll select East, then South and finally province West.
11. The # hot-key which lets you jump to a province by its province number would be a lot more useful if in addition to the province name, you also had a filter for showing the province numbers on the map.
12. If you press F1 to open the nation overview and selects a commander by clicking on him, you'll jump to the province this commander is in - but the commander is not selected. He ought to be.
13. The score overview is ... not very pretty, and it should at the least have an x-axis at the bottom with the number of turns.
14. One should be able to change the research using just the arrow-keys. (Choose between the schools with Up-arrow and down-arrow, and increase and decrease the research in the selected school with right-arrow and left-arrow)
15. "Translucent brightness display" on the main map to show the strength of such things as dominions, province income, province production, province defence, unrest and tax-levels. I.e. some sort of coloured alpha-transparency which will show the strength of the currently selected variable by being more or less transparent over each province on the map (an improved Version of the grey-scale map of dominion from Dominions 1.)
A couple of non-gui issues.
1. The battle report ought to also include the number of "province defense soldiers" that were killed. (Just a very minor annoyance this, but it always did bug me in Dominions 1 too.)
2. When a commander is killed, there ought to be a text-message about this in the battle-display (i.e. same as there is when a commander casts a spell.)
[ October 30, 2003, 18:42: Message edited by: Leif_- ]
"Freefall, my old nemesis! All I have to do is activate my compressed gas rocket boots and I will cheat you once again! Belt control ON!…On?" [i]Othar Trygvasson[i]