Has it been long enough yet?
Has anybody's view of the nations changed since they first got it (stronger/weaker)?
Mictlan: I thought they were really cool since they were a predominantly blood nation. Now I compare that with wonky dominion-spreading and weak normal troops. They suck in high indy games. Those sacred units are awesome, though.
Caelum: There are LAN games going on where this is the Last nation picked? Huh? Did something happen between Dom1 and Dom2 that completely slipped by me? Aren't these guys supposed to be the #3 pick, always?
R'lyeh: I hesitate to say broken, because the Illithids are just as fragile as ever. If you can get to them. Oh, that crazy IF.
Machaka: I still do not get them. Spiders seem kind of fragile still (the Riders and Knights) for their cost.
Ermor: Broken Empire is sneaky. Oh so sneaky. "Lookit, we're just a human nation!!" followed by "BLAM! BLAM! UNDEAD HORDES!!". Soul gate also very evil.
Man: Wow, they've gotten better. This is my favorite nation upgrade so far.